JAKARTA - Lack of vitamin B6 is usually associated with cognitive function disorders. A new study presents a new approach in maintaining B6 levels in the body.

Studi pada rat menemukan bahwa flavonoid alam, 7,8-dihidrosiflavon, dapat secara langsung mengbinji dan menghambat enzyme piridoxal fosfatase (PDXP) pendegradasi B6, sehingga membantu menjaga kadar B6 di sistem.

The study follows previous research from the same team, led by Antje Gohla, PhD, at the Institute of Pharmaceutical and Toxicology Universitet W\"urzburg in Germany. The study shows increased spatial learning and memory capacity in mice when their pyroxal phosphatase is disabled.

Several studies have examined the impact of B6 on cognition, "said TRUEline Becker, PhD, neuroscientist and health care researcher at the Faculty of Medicine Icahn, General Internal Medicine Division of Mount Sinai.

In particular, maintaining the adequacy of vitamin B, especially vitamin B6, is very important for optimal neurotransmitter synthesis and homosistein metabolism. And thus can have a direct impact on cognitive functions.

"The lack of vitamin B6 has long been associated with cognitive disorders, particularly in areas related to the hippocampus function," Becker said as quoted by Medical News Today, Monday, July 1.

The campus is part of a limbic system, which is an emotional reaction control center. This part of the brain is located in the inner temporal lobe, near the brain center. The campus serves to process memory, help humans recognize objects, and remember and understand the language heard.

In the brain, says Becker, B6 helps synthesis of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid and helps reduce levels of homosicine in the blood.

He also noted that B6 plays a role in regulating mood, a factor known in cognitive health.

"Cognitive dysfunction is a major symptom of depression, particularly a decrease in attention and speed of psychomotorics," he explained.

In addition, Becker conjectured that the therapeutic potential of management of B6 needs to be evaluated individually. He suggested that the greatest benefit of B6 consumption can be felt when combined with the right diet or nutrition. And coupled with an optimal lifestyle to support cognition and mental health. For example, by consuming other B vitamins (for example B12) and other micronutrients that are important for brain health such as folic acid.

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