YOGYAKARTA "Computational thinking (computational thinking) is a problem solving method by applying computer science techniques. So, what are the examples of computational thinking?"

Peter J. Denning and Matti Tedre in a book entitled Computational Thinking defines computational thinking as mental skills and practices to design or compose jobs like computer practice and explain and interpret the world as a complex process of information.

Adapting the Dyslexia Number page, here are some examples of computational thinking in everyday life.

1. Analyzing social media trends

The concept of computational thinking is often practiced by someone who fills marketing positions in the company. They will use computational thinking to analyze data from social media platforms and identify trends and patterns that can inform marketing strategies.

For example, using the pattern recognition foundation to create strategies in social media campaigns. This can be seen in the analysis of trending songs used to create content that can increase engagement.

2. Develop vacation plans

The next example of computational thinking is seen in the preparation of vacation plans. Computational thinking can be used to help break the process into manageable tasks, identify patterns and similarities, and evaluate results.

For example, computational thinkers use abstraction to decompose the planning process into smaller tasks such as choosing goals, determining budgets, and researching accommodation.

3. Weather predictions

Computational thinking examples are also seen in the weather forecasting process. This activity involves the use of data, models, and algorithms.

The process predicts the weather will begin with meteorologists collecting large amounts of data from various sources, such as weather stations, satellites, and radar. This data is then analyzed and processed to identify patterns and trends that can be used to create weather forecasts.

The data obtained, will then be processed using mathematical models and algorithms to produce weather conditions and make predictions.

4. Recommendation of personalization

A number of companies engaged in the e-commerce sector, such as Amzon, are also implementing computational thinking to analyze customer data and make recommendations for attractive products or content. They take advantage of artificial intelligence to rely on data, then use logical reasoning in their systems to suggest products.

Quoted from a book titled Puzzle Games: A Metaphor for Computational Thinking by Bobbly Law, there are at least 4 stages of computational thinking, including:

1. Unraveling the problem into smaller parts

According to Bobbly, the first stage of thinking about computing is to unravel problems or tasks into a smaller part so that they can be managed easily. This stage is also called decomposition.

The decomposition stage involves a deep understanding of the problems one wants to solve, so that an individual can identify the problems that occur and solve them one by one.

2. Identify the pattern

Identifying a pattern can help you solve the problem. At the second stage, you must be able to understand the data or information related to the problem. After that, look for patterns or inequalities from the data whether there is a connection or not with the problem.

3. Abstraction

Things that must be done at this stage, namely seeing problems, generalizing, and identifying information. In this way, you can see important information and ignore irrelevant information.

4. Design of algorithms

After identifying the problem and collecting data, the last computational stage of thinking is designing the algorithm.

Algorithms are a series of logical steps that must be taken to process data and achieve solutions. Algorithms must detail systematic and structured processes.

That's information about examples of computational thinking. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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