JAKARTA - Celebrity Dhini Aminarti uploaded a photo of her husband Dimas Seto on her personal Instagram account where Dhini said goodbye to Dimas.

"Fii amaniillah, my dear. Goodbye while studying," wrote Dhini Aminarti, quoted by VOI from his personal Instagram,

On another occasion, Dhini who was met at the Press Conference Kick Off Shooting Film Deserves I Hijab said that her husband went to Uzbekistan.

"He's going to Uzbek, so I'm left behind. I'm busy working," said Dhini Aminarti in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Wednesday, June 26.

Dhini said that Dimas Seto had a travel schedule to Uzbekistan along with a ustaz there but while studying.

"(Dimas Seto) Indeed there is another trip there. Because there is a ustaz, so while studying too," said Dhini Aminarti.

This woman who was born 41 years ago admitted that Dimas Seto had only been away for 8 days. But for him 8 days feels like 8 years even though this is not the longest time left by his husband.

"Only 8 days. But 8 days I have been for a long time, you know, it feels like 8 years. The longest one was when he had a pilgrimage, 21 days left me for Hajj," added Dhini Aminarti.

"It was a long time but it didn't feel too much because when I was shooting, I was also shooting. Alhamdulillah, now I'm also going when I'm filming," he said.

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