JAKARTA - The beginning of marriage is a time when passion and sparks of love are still very strong. However, over time, sparks can be reduced. It is not uncommon for someone to feel bored and less in love with their partner, especially if the relationship that has been going on for a long time. It is not uncommon for someone to feel that the relationship is mediocre, there are no challenges and nothing to be impressive about it. If this keeps happening, of course this can increase the risk of the relationship ending.

So, how to make the relationship again feel impressive and fall in love with your partner again?

Launching Psychology Today, Wednesday, June 26, a couple who has been able to maintain physical interests with each other for years. Tend never stop trying to make fun in the eyes of his partner. This could be something simple like wearing certain types of clothing because you know your partner likes it. Or something more committed, such as trying to maintain body shape.

Being able to rely on your partner to meet your needs and have the belief that they will respect even when you are not there is a huge thing. If trust and respect are lost, love and interest will disappear quickly. Although broken trust is not everything, this must be highlighted, dissected, and improved for the good of the relationship.

Couples who love each other must have strong inner bonds and feelings. Every romantic relationship between these couples makes the bond stronger and is expected to be a solid root. For that, you and your partner need to depend on each other so that the relationship remains romantic.

Self-awareness of your strength and what you bring as an individual is important in marriage. You and your partner should be happy with yourself as a whole human being. Then enjoy sharing the values inherent in a marriage relationship.

A relationship that is stagnant can eliminate love and attraction. If you never have fun together or get out of your daily routine, the enthusiasm you've ever had can fade quickly. In many cases, separation from your partner can occur due to a lack of new adventures that are shared. For that, try to create new moments together so that your relationship remains interesting.

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