YOGYAKARTA - Eggs are a source of animal protein other than fish, milk and meat that are useful for us. Eggs are recommended for us to consume every day. So, the characteristic of normal chicken eggs is? Let's discuss it here!

To avoid eggs that are not fresh and quality, you need to pay close attention to the various characteristics of eggs. You need to be on guard, because in plain view the product's eyes can look the same.

Therefore, we must master what method the method of choosing it is so that it is not wrong to buy it. Characteristics of good, fresh and normal chicken eggs are the following:

I. Check Heavy Eggs And Try To Rock

The next characteristic can be seen from the weight. You can equalize the weight of some eggs by hand. If the eggs feel heavy compared to other eggs, it means that the situation is still very fresh. If it is light until the egg's state has been stored for a long time.

You can also check it by shaking it. If the egg feels solid when shocked, it means that egg white is still thick and the egg yolk is locked in the white. This shows the eggs are still new.

But when surprised it feels light and makes a sound, it means that egg whites are dilute so that it shows the eggs have been around for a long time, and the worst is that the eggs are rotten.

II. Kiss Egg Aroma

Smelling is the most common trick in ensuring the condition of a product. You can bring the eggs closer to your nose, then kiss the scent. Generally, fresh products will not have a smell at all. A fragrant or rotten aroma is characteristic of the characteristics of rotten eggs.

Even though the eggshell is tight, the air's aroma can always be smelled when the eggs are rotten. Make sure your sense of smell is not disturbed when trying it.

III. Test of Eggs in water

The next good and normal characteristics of chicken eggs are submerged in water eggs. You can carry out a test using the method of soaking eggs in water.

Good eggs are eggs that sink in water. If the egg sinks and is in a sleeping position, then the egg is still new. This is because egg whites are still thicker so they are heavier. With this method, You need to pay close attention to it.

If the tip of the egg is slightly lifted, the eggs will be placed for some time, but still fit for consumption. But if the eggs are completely floating, then the eggs are damaged or rotten. Don't consume this kind of egg.

IV. Test the Egg Air Bag

The next good egg characteristics are by carrying out tests using light sources, such as candles or lights. The trick is to bring the eggs closer to the source of light, so you can see a shadow from the contents of the eggs.

By looking at eggs like this, you can see the contents of the eggs that are round and air bags. Well, if the air bag looks big and the color is black, the eggs are no longer fresh.

V. Check Texture White Eggs

This method can be used if you have purchased eggs or given the opportunity to check the contents of the eggs. You can dismantle the eggs into a container, then pay attention to the characteristics of the following white texture of eggs:

VI. Pay Attention to the shape of the egg

Characteristics of eggs that can be observed are the form of eggs. There are various types of eggs ranging from those in the form of ovals to some integers.

The characteristics of chicken eggs are good and normal, namely the shape of the lonjong is perfect. Make sure the shape is perfect and not round. This is because the content will also be different.

However, avoid the form of eggs that are too oval. The highly oval-shaped egg indicates a small egg yolk. Meanwhile most of the egg nutrients lie in the yolk part of the egg.

VII. Choose Medium-Size Eggs

Characteristics of the next good egg, you better choose moderate dimension only. Small eggs show that eggs are produced from young chickens. Therefore, the nutrients he has are also not optimal. In terms of taste, small eggs are also less delicious.

On the other hand, very large-dimensional eggs also show an unnatural condition felt by chickens. Plus, large eggs do not guarantee more nutrition.

VIII. Pay attention to the color

The next point is to pay attention to the good color of eggs. The characteristics of good and normal chicken eggs generally appear bright, do not have spots, and are more concentrated. This is a sign that eggs are still fresh and have just hatched.

If it has been stored for a long time, generally dark spots will appear on the egg shell. These dark spots are mushrooms that develop on the shell surface.

Generally, the spots appear in only a few small parts. This is the reason why you must be careful when choosing.

IX. Make sure There Are No Cracks And Lendir

The next good method of sorting out eggs is by checking the presence of cracks and mucus on the surface of the shell. Eggs are prone to recoil, especially when in delivery there is a shock that makes the eggshell damaged.

Cracked eggs create gaps for germs to enter the eggs. Especially if the eggs are lulled. These 2 things are signs that the eggs have been contaminated with germs.

X. Feel The Cangkang Texture

Characteristics of chicken eggs that are normal and good can also be seen from the shape of the shell. Choose those that look clean, there is no dirt at all. This generally affects cleanliness because dirt can infect the eggs, so the quality is not good.

However, don't be fooled by a glossy shell, it's an old product. Then what about the new one?

The eggs that are still new are generally a bit rough and on the surface there are fine white grains, not only that when touched they feel rough. So, you must pay attention to it properly, feel it using your palm slowly so you don't get it wrong.

How To Save Eggs So They Don't Get Rotten Quickly

After sorting out the eggs with good characteristics, the next step is to store them. Eggs are food ingredients that rot quickly. However, if you control how to put eggs so that they last longer, then the eggs can last longer.

Here are tips for putting good eggs so they don't rot quickly:

Talking about chicken eggs, let's find out How Much Ideal Temperature To Set Chicken Eggs In A Threshold Machine?

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