JAKARTA - Nodes appear when hot objects come into contact with wood furniture and leave white spots on the wood. This happens because heat produces steam and at the same time causes the pores to enlarge, open, and absorb the moisture. When the wood cools and the pores shrink again, the moisture inside will be trapped, so that the color becomes cloudy.

Fortunately, removing annoying stains from wood furniture is also easy to do. As long as you take quick action in cleaning them. Before removing the stain with sandpaper or donating a table to a local used store, try one of the three methods below. You only need a few household supplies, such as hair dryers, odols, and Mayonaise.

Clean the surface

Although it looks strange, one of the most effective ways to get the stains off the wood furniture is to add more heat. However, before testing this method, clean the surface of the wood furniture from dust or dirt.

Dry the stains

Next, turn on the hair dryer, set it to the lowest settings (over the cold settings). Direct the hair dryer a few inches from the stain, then move back and forth slowly. If the stain is not too deep and does not last too long, you will see the stain start to disappear in a few minutes. Otherwise, you can try to raise the temperature before proceeding, if necessary, to the steps below.

Use an (Opsional) setrica

If the hair dryer method doesn't work, replace it with a clothing iron. Because the iron will be much hotter than the dryer, the important thing is to avoid direct contact with the wood. Instead, use a clean towel as a barrier. Just like a hair dryer, you have to set the iron to the lowest setting and shift it back and forth above the surface. This may take longer than hair dryer methods, so check the bottom frequently.

Create pasta with odol and soda cake

Another effective way to remove stains from wood furniture is to make pasta with a mixture of odol and cake soda. Mix one part of odol into a bowl with two parts of cake soda, to become pasta.

Apply the pasta to the stains

After making pasta, spread it over the stains on the furniture. Avoid spreading your mixture to other surfaces on the table, because it can damage the layer. Leave the paste for about five minutes.

Clean the pasta stains

After the mixture of oxol and soda cake absorbs and works well, take a clean cloth and clean it. If the stain is still there, try this method several more times.

Apply mayons on a stain

Believe it or not, this favorite spice is an effective stain remover because Mayo oil is able to penetrate wood pores and release trapped moisture. Take some mayo tablespoons and use a clean cloth to rub them on the stains, then let them stand for at least a few hours (or even overnight if the stains are still stubborn).

Clean with a wet cloth

After keeping the mayo hidden on the stain for a while, the used cloth with a wet cloth. You will not find a stain hidden under the mayo, but if it is still attached, you should try this method again for a longer period of time.

Additional tips on removing hot spots on wood furniture

If the method reported from The Spruce page, Friday, June 21, above is not enough, you can try to embezzle the stains and apply the pernis to re-seal the wood. However, make this the last resort and the sanding should be limited to stains only.

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