Is the steel plant quite foreign in our ears, isn't it? Given that it is rare for those who realize the benefits of this pirated wood, especially regarding the side effects of steel wood, of course, we will discuss it here.

What Is Steel Tree Like?

Bajakah plants or known as Kayu or Bajakah roots are typical plants of Central Kalimantan that are used for cancer treatment for generations by the ancestors of the Dayak tribe.

For laboratory testing, this plant has anti-cancer substances, including saponins, phenolics, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids. This plant is said to only exist in Central Kalimantan and develop in limited quantities.

Bajakah plants develop in rural forest peatlands in the interior of Kalimantan and have the form of stems. This plant develops with the method of spreading even though it has a fairly sturdy stem and is large. It is said that this plant cannot be cultivated because it only lives in a nimbun location where sunlight does not come in much because it is covered by forest seasoning.

This plant suddenly went viral after 2 students from SMA Negeri 2 Palangkaraya, Aysa Aurealya Maharani and Angina Rafitri received a gold medal in the 2019 World Convention Creativity Olympic (WICO) competition which was held in Seoul, South Korea on July 25, 2019. This competition is large because it is accompanied by thousands of students from 22 different countries around the world.

Not only pirated roots, any type of herbal plant that you consume excessively can pose a risk of dangerous side effects. Therefore, use a balanced dose so that there are no harmful impacts for your bodies and health.

So, so that you will be more vigilant when you want to consume pirated herbal plants, first know what dangers can lurk you. The following are some of the dangers of consuming pirated roots that you should be aware of:

I. Kidney failure

According to research, there are some users who experience side effects of pirated roots. Generally, this kind of side effect occurs when you often consume pirated roots for a long and continuous period of time.

This kind of thing occurs because the contents of toxic chemical compounds and heavy metals can stimulate a negative response to the body. The use of pirated roots that are not balanced with the doctor's formula must have more potential to cause you to be infected with disorders in the kidney system.

If left and not handled quickly according to a doctor's prescription, it can stimulate the formation of kidney failure. This is one side effect that you will feel when you take drugs made from pirated roots carelessly.

II. Disruption In Liver

Not only disorders in the kidney system, other side effects that may be experienced in pirated root users are liver disorders. The cause is almost the same, namely the use of pirated roots as an excessive herbal medicine.

If you want to use the root of steel as an alternative drug to cure your illness, you should try it on a doctor's prescription. Without a suitable prescription, the dose you use when taking this herbal medicine will actually worsen your health.

Disorders in the liver system are also triggered by the content of substances in the pirated root. The content at the base of the pirate is certainly useful for healing and there are also things that can worsen your health. Therefore, be wise when taking this kind of herbal medicine.

In addition, you also need to know the '7 Benefits of Nesturtium Flowers'.

So after knowing the side effects of pirated wood, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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