JAKARTA - Annoying is a fairly common problem for children. From an early age, most children realize thatars are often effective. This is a good way to get parents to obey their children's wishes.

That's why it's important to set boundaries when your child futures. Without the right intervention, raising can get worse. And crypy children will most likely turn into spoiled adults.

Then, what to do when your child fusss? The following steps can help you as a parent stop your child's breathing.

Set the rules in the house aboutars. For example, tell the child to ask for something good and please calm down if his wishes are not appropriate. This helps children understand that their efforts to change the minds of parents will not be effective. In addition, also remember that you need to remind your little one from time to time about this rule until gradually they understand.

Sometimes guaranteed is a bad habit for children, and they don't notice it. To get their attention, give them a warning by saying, 'Don't fuss,' or, 'Remember, you shouldn't fuss at home.'

This also makes it clear that children are stunned, begging, and asking for repeatedly arearsy behavior. The warning also serves to give children the opportunity to make "improvements", so they can behave more appropriately.

Attention in any form, although in the form of negative attention, can encourage behavior to continue. Ignoring attention-seeking behavior such asars is a form of effective behavior modification.

As soon as his outburst stops, pay positive attention to children. Listen to the child by saying something like, 'I love watching him play calmly right now!' Pay a lot of positive attention to good behavior and it will encourage children to seek attention in a positive way.

Listening to a child's breathing can be worse than putting nails on the whiteboard. However, it's important for parents to stay calm. Take a deep breath, leave the room, or play music if it can help you stay calm.

As a parent, you spend a lot of time teaching, guiding, and improving your child's behavior. However, it is also important to be in touch with children and know the reason for the breathing.

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