YOGYAKARTA - Having children who are difficult to eat is indeed a deep sadness for parents. What's more, it affects the child's weight, well, it feels mixed. Therefore, this time we will discuss how long the duration of eating children is.

Children who tend to have difficulty eating usually have a long meal. This makes parents rack their brains so that their little ones want to eat. Especially when the child enters the MPASI period, usually that's when it's quite difficult to make the child want to eat.

MPASI is usually given to babies who are 6 months old and above, for food to support other vitamins other than from breast milk. Again, children who have difficulty eating will certainly have an effect on the duration, so how much is the ideal duration?

According to nutritionist Tan Shot Yen, 30 minutes is the duration of the time for feeding our ideal child. At that time, a sense of fullness will appear.

"So, whether you want to eat it out or not, it's a feeling of fullness that has emerged," said Tan, recently. Within 30 minutes, continued Tan, children are also generally lazy to see food. They start to fuss and don't feel at home sitting in peace.

"So the child doesn't feel at home for 30 minutes, and we as the custodian, our patience has reached the top of our heads," said Tan.

Which after that became a problem, namely when the little one only completed two bribes for 30 minutes.

If that's the case, Tan invites mothers to evaluate the food menu given. For example, toddlers are not 8 or 9 months old, but food has increased texture.

"Well, this is up in texture first, generally for mothers who study through social media. Meanwhile, in the book KIA (Mother and Child Health), it increases in texture at the age of 8 to 9 months," said Tan.

Not only that, it could also be that the size of the spoon used to feed children is too big. That way, children can vomit and refuse food.

Solutions So That Children Want To Eat

I. Give Food With Delicious Aroma

Try the trials of your child's sense of smell with foods that smellppetizing. The sense of smell plays a role in increasing appetite.

II. Give Children Food In Small Portion But Often

If after illness the child finds it difficult to eat his food, don't force him to eat in large portions. This will actually make him even more unwilling to eat. Try to eat children in small portions, but give them more often.

III. Provide Healthy Cemilan

As silang, serve a healthy snack that he likes. One of the healthy snacks that can be an option, namely fruits that are easy to eat, such as bananas or fruit salads with attractive colors. Bread filled with meat and cheese, bread with jams, contracts with milk, or whole-grain biscuits can also be an option for healthy snacks for children.

IV. Provide Food You Like

So that the child wants to eat, give the food he enjoys. Make sure the food has important nutrition that the body needs for recovery.

You can give it chicken soup with eggs and potatoes, as protein and carbohydrate intake which is an energy source. You can also give him vegetables or fruit that tastes good, as a source of vitamins and fiber.

Next, you also need to read: 'Children Don't Want To Eat Rice, What To Do?' so that you can reflect on your beloved baby.

So after knowing how long children eat, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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