YOGYAKARTA Examples of opening Islamic speeches usually begin with praise for Allah SWT, and prayer to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

When delivering speeches at religious events such as recitation, lectures, sermons, and so on; a good and interesting opening is the key to getting the attention of the audience.

In this article, VOI will provide several examples of opening Islamic speeches. For more explanations, see the following reviews.

Summarized from various sources, Monday, June 3, 2024, the following is an example of the opening of an Islamic speech that can be used as a guide when filling out religious activities.

1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Innal hamdalillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala rosulillah sayidina Muhammad ibdi Pratillah wa ala alih Wahbimi wamawalah (amma badu).

Oleh sidang masih muslimin wal muslimat yang dijadikan Allah SWT. Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah kita bisa berkumpul di masjid ini. Mudah-mudahan persembuahnya kita di sini merupakan keberimbangan selamat sehingga dokuan isa bertasul dengan bedajil tersebut. Berharap Allah jaka hari yang akan datang dalam kehidupan kita lebih baik dibandingkan hari ini. Insyaallah.

"Hope Allah make the next day in our lives better than today. God willing."

2. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakuh. Alhamdulillah, was prayeru was good alaa pratillah, wa ala alihi sa sahbihi wa man walaahu, amma badu.

First of all, let us say puja and thank God SWT, which has given us an overflow of grace, blessings, and Inayat, so that we can still breathe air on this very wide earth of Allah.

Second, let us always pray to our grandmother, Prophet Muhammad, who we are always waiting for his blessing on the Day of Resurrection.

3. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahilladzi arsala sulawahu bil HUda wadinil haqq, liyudzhirahu aladdini kullihi, wakafa billahi syahiidaa. Asyhadu alla laca illallah. Wa asyhadu anna muhammadara lebihullah. Allahumma shalli ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala over washahbihi ajma'in. Amma badu.

The congregation of Muslims, Muslimat Utrakumullah, let us never stop expressing gratitude to Allah because with His grace, Allah still gives us the opportunity to attend this noble event.

May in this noble event, we all get the grace and forgiveness of Allah SWT. Because the Prophet Muhammad has said, "It is not a people who sit in the house of Allah they study the Qur'an, they study it, except for the angel who blasts her wings."

4. "Alhamdulillahilladzi an'anaa bini' matil iimaan wawaslaam. Wanusholii wanusalimu alaa khoril anam sayyidinaa muhammadin wa alaa over Wasohbihi ajma imaa.

"Don't forget to pray and greet the Prophet Muhammad saw. and his family, along with friends. May we all get his blessing and get directions until the day of the end."

5. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillaahi rabbil-'alamina, wash-shalaatu was-menjau 'alaa asyrafil-anbiyaa-i wal-mursaliina, bahyyinaa wa habiibinaa muhammadin, wa 'alaa alihi wa shohbihi ajma'ina, wa man tabi'ahum bi-ihsaanin ilaa yawmid-diini, amma ba'du.

First of all, let us say puja and thank God we are grateful for the presence of Allah SWT, who brought us together in the event... with a healthy and healthy wal afiat.

Shalawat and greetings do not forget let us uphold the Prophet Muhammad saw. together with the experts, also to our teachers, our parents, our brothers, our leaders, Muslims and Muslims, the previous as well as those who will come. "

This is information about examples of opening Islamic speeches. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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