YOGYAKARTA Getting to know the Bambino breed can start from the shape of a cat that does not have hair. However, the uniqueness of the cat does not stop there. There are several things that make the bambino race even more special.

When you see a hairless cat, maybe some people will misidentify it with the sphynx race. At first glance, bambino and sphynx are almost similar. To get to know the Bambino breed more, see some interesting facts below.

Bambino cat breeds are one type of cat that has a short and no hair. Similar to sphynx, the bambino breed has fur but is so short that it looks parried. Although very short, bambino fur is smooth. This cat is included in the type of short-foot cat breed.

Reporting from The Spruce Pets website, the history of the bambino race began in 2004. At that time the breed was introduced by Stephanie and Pat Osborne, owners of Holy Moly Cattery in Arkansas. Osborne's family initially breeds sphinx who have a hairless character with a munchkin with short legs. The name bambino itself comes from Italian which means baby.

Some bambino cat people are very unique. However, the breed has its own controversy because it is considered a cat with anatomical abnormalities. Even in 2006 the International Cat Association (TICA) recognized the breed as experimental material.

Some other cat associations such as the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) or the American Cat Fanciers' Association (ACFA) don't even give permission to the race to be registered. They don't want to spread cats with genetic disorders just for aesthetics.

Even though it's a mini, the bambino breed is known as a cat that is friendly and easy to socialize with humans, including children. In addition, this type of breed is also quite energetic and likes to play. In fact, raising this cat requires an extensive place such as playing space for bambino.

These cats are said to easily experience fatigue due to their short feet. Bambino doesn't need much physical activity even though they like to play like climbing trees or anything like that.

The bambino cat still has its own health threat. For example, its very short fur makes bambino skin prone to injury. Owners must be extra careful about the bite of other animals, even this cat skin requires protection from exposure to the sun's excessive light.

This cat skin also tends to be oily easily so that it is prone to skin health problems such as fungi or bacteria.

For now, buying a bambino cat is still quite difficult because of its scarcity. Even so, this pet is quite a source of attention. What is quite worrying is the illegal practice carried out by farmers to produce this cat on the grounds of material benefits.

In addition to knowing the Bambino race, visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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