JAKARTA - Being a parent is not an easy job. Everyone has to learn and adapt, including actress Chelsea Olivia. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which causes children to not be able to socialize or play freely with them, children often sulk because they are bored, when they meet friends they don't want to separate.

"In the past, when Nastusha met her cousin and her cousin came home, she never cried. Now when she meets her cousin or friend who comes home and has to go home, she cries," Chelsea said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, March 11.

Seeing his son crying because his friend had to leave, at first Chelsea and Glenn Alinskie thought it was due to the effects of a pandemic. However, he just found out that at the age of 4, children already know the meaning of friendship because at that age children already understand good two-way communication and reciprocal forms.

To overcome the disappointment experienced by her son, the 28-year-old actress chose to give an understanding of separation to her first daughter.

"We give him the understanding that his friend is not missing. His friend comes home to rest, later when there is more time they can play. Either at home or vice versa," said Chelsea.

It seems that giving that understanding is the right way for parents to give children 4-5 years of age when tantrums hit.

Doctor Miza Afrizal from the Mother and Child Development Hospital, Depok, even appreciated Chelsea Olivia for choosing to provide understanding rather than distracting children during tantrums.

"So when a child is disappointed or angry, he should be given a true understanding. For example, if he does not want to be separated from his friend, he must be told that his friend is not missing. That is what must be done, not distracting children. he will not understand what is happening and can actually create a bigger problem, "said Miza.

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