YOGYAKARTA Turbulence is one type of disturbance experienced by airplanes while in the air. How the process of turbulence is still related to bad weather.

This article will provide information about what tuberculosis, triggers, and the impact the aircraft will experience when it airs.

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word turbulence has several meanings, namely a disturbed state caused by unpredictable and controllable changes. Turbulence is also interpreted as a condition of instability in the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, the word turbulent is interpreted as irregular turbulent motion which is a characteristic of the movement of the fluid. So what exactly is the turbulence?

Reporting from the National Weather Service website, turbulence is an irregular air movement caused by vortices and vertical currents. In the context of the aviation world, turbulence is one of the unexpected weather phenomena as well as important for pilots.

In the Epic Flight Academy, it is explained that turbulence is a change in the airflow that occurs rapidly and suddenly. This condition is related to up and down currents triggered by irregular atmospheric motions. When turbulence occurs, passengers on board will feel shocks or fires suddenly.

For some people, the turbulence that occurs during flights is quite scary. But please note that plane turbulence while in the air is something normal can even be predicted. Pilots and cabin crew have also received training on how to deal with the situation in air travel.

The process of turbulence depends on the weather to the air. For example, turbulence can occur when an airplane crosses an irregular air wave. The air caused the plane to shake.

When the plane crashes due to turbulence, the airplane passengers will feel uncomfortable. Trained pilots have many ways to deal with these conditions, for example by slowing the plane, changing the altitude, and if necessary the pilot will ask for permission to deviate slightly from the predetermined route.

The turbulence experienced by the aircraft while in the air was triggered by many factors, but the most important cause was atmospheric change. The following is the reason for the plane's turbulence.

The sun triggers the air to heat and then rises and reacts to the flow of the flight wind. As a result, there will be waves.

The plane can be shaking due to turbulence due to planes or other helicopters. A large plane will produce large waves too, and a small plane will feel the shock caused by the waves from the plane's flight in front of it. This is the reason why it is necessary to adjust the drinking distance between planes.

Winds in low levels with the earth will experience friction, while the flow is influenced by the earth's surface.

Air in the lowlands will rise if you meet a high mountain, triggering the plane to experience shocks.

Please note that the level of aircraft shocks caused by various turbulence. But recently it was said that the violence in airplane turbulence turned out to be related to global warming.

That's information related to the process of turbulence. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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