YOGYAKARTA - Javanese is not only said by people who live on the island of Java. There are several countries that also use Javanese as a means of communication with their fellow citizens there. Why can Javanese be used in other countries?
Javanese language spread to various countries outside Indonesia due to migration activities. During the Dutch colonial period in the archipelago, many residents of Java Island migrated to other countries. These people settled in foreign countries until they had descendants and did not return to Javanese land.
The transmigrants can even use Javanese fluently to speak everyday. So which countries are Javanese and how large is their population?
The following are a row of countries whose citizens can use Javanese fluently for daily communication:
Many already know that Surniame is one of the countries where many people from the Javanese tribe are. Surniame is a country in South America. The arrival of the Javanese people to this country has a long history.
During the Dutch occupation in the archipelago, many Dutch East Indies, especially from Java, went to Suriname. This transfer of residents has caused Javanese to be widely used in Surniame.
Malaysia is also a country with many citizens capable of using Javanese. In this neighboring country, the population of people of Javanese descent is quite large. Javanese people who live there say Javanese in their daily activities.
Javanese language speakers in Malaysia are found in areas such as Selangor and Johor. The population of Javanese descent in the region reaches 20%. Some areas in the neighboring country also use names from Javanese, such as the Javanese Trench.
Other countries that are also known to have many Javanese speakers are the Dutch. As a former Indonesian colonialist, the Dutch have a strong history and relationship with Javanese.
In this mill country, many ancient Javanese scripts are stored in museums or state archives. Leiden University, one of the well-known campuses there, has a great interest in Javanese language and culture.
Singapore is also known as a country inhabited by many people of Javanese descent. People from the Javanese tribe have come to this neighboring country since 1825. Several areas in Singapore are the centers of Javanese settlements, namely Kallang Airport Estate and Kampung Jawa on the banks of the Rochor River.
Not many know that New Caledonia is also a country that has a large community of Javanese people. This country, which is located in the Pacific Ocean, has been the destination for the migration of the Javanese since 1896.
Although the population has been moving for a long time, Javanese culture is still preserved and the people use Javanese for daily communication.
Other countries that also have a population of Javanese speakers are the Cocos Islands. In this country that is located in the Australian region, you can find people who talk in Javanese. Not only that, Javanese culture is also still maintained in this country through traditional art such as wayang kulit which is accumulated using shark skin.
Those are some countries whose citizens are fluent in Javanese. Javanese is not only used by people who live on the island of Java, but in fact it is also used as communication for ethnic Javanese communities in other countries. Also read the most widely used language in Asia.
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