YOGYAKARTA - The cause of frequent left stomach cramps usually occurs due to constipation, stomach flu, and ulcers. Even so, this situation should not be relaxed, because stomach cramps can also be an indication of a more serious medical condition, such as bowel inflammation.

Usually, because the muscles on the walls of the digestive tract or the stomach muscles are tense and cause pain, causing stomach cramps to the left side. Generally, stomach cramps are not dangerous and can subside after one to two days.

However, for stomach cramps, which after 3 days of simple treatment does not improve, it is better to get an examination from a doctor because it could be an indication of serious illness.

The following are some of the conditions that can trigger cramps in the left abdomen:

I. Stomach Flu

Gastroenteritis or stomach flu is a state of infection that occurs in the coreline. Although the main indications are diarrhea and vomiting, the sufferer also feels stomach cramps, either on the left, right, or both.

Stomach flu actually doesn't require special treatment because it can heal by itself in a few days. However, to prevent the condition from getting worse, it is recommended that you drink more water and eat soft textured foods, such as porridge or soup.

II. Radang Usus Buntu

Abstacles occur when the dead end of infection is generally caused by bacterial inflammation. This situation causes pain in the stomach which generally starts from the lower right. When the condition worsens, pain or cramps in the stomach can spread to the left side of the area.

If the dead end is accompanied by characteristics of bacterial infection, the doctor wants to give antibiotics. If complications arise, such as constant vomiting, high fever, and unable to defecate, the doctor will quickly carry out dead end surgery.

III. Diarrhea

One of the triggers for the most universal left stomach cramps is diarrhea. This situation generally occurs due to bacterial inflammation or the virus in the large intestines that comes from contaminated food. Not only stomach cramps, diarrhea can also be accompanied by other indications, such as fever, headache, and nausea and vomiting.

To cope with left stomach cramps caused by diarrhea, you can consume soft food to make it easier to digest. Not only that, also make sure the consumption of sufficient liquid is used to prevent loss of body fluids.

IV. Kidney Stone

Left abdomen Krams can also be a feature if you experience kidney stones, especially in the left urinary tract. Arguing cramps generally occur when rocks limit the urinary tract and irritate the walls.

Therefore, if you experience severe pain in your left abdomen to your back or groin, especially accompanied by bleeding or sandy urination, consult a doctor immediately to get the right treatment.

If left stomach cramps are caused by kidney stones, doctors will give pain relievers first. Doctors may also recommend some medical treatment to shrink or shed kidney stones, such as extracorporate shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL).

V. Constipation

Constipation or constipation can also cause stomach cramps on the left. Constipation makes experiencing complaints that it is difficult to defecate, because the movement of the intestines to produce feces is not optimal or the fecess is very dry so it is difficult to issue.

To overcome this situation, it is recommended that you drink a lot of water and eat high-fiber foods, such as vegetables and fruits.

VI. Diverticularitis

The next left stomach cramp trigger is diverticularitis, namely infection in the bag during the digestive tract, especially the large intestine. This situation can occur during feces or leftover food closing the opening of the bag.

Not only stomach cramps, diverticularitis can also give rise to other indications, such as bloating stomachs, nausea and vomiting, and bloody and flexibility.

Methods to deal with diverticularitis need to be adjusted to how severe the patient is. Doctors may recommend patients to carry out a low-fiber diet or provide some medicines, such as paracetamol. Doctors can also give antibiotics if they are verticular to the characteristics of bacterial infection.

Not only some of the above conditions, left abdomen cramps are also prone to being felt by women and can be caused by menstruation, twisted ovarian cysts, endometrosis, especially pregnancy outside the uterus or ectopic pregnancy.

Left abdomen Krams can usually subside on their own, but check with the doctor if the stomach cramps that are felt do not subside, get worse, or are accompanied by other indications, such as repeated vomiting, fever, defecating or urinating are always bleeding, and a lot of blood comes out outside the menstrual period.

In addition, read also: 8 Foods to Ease Stomach Cramps and Pain when Menstruation.

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