JAKARTA - Coconut water is a drink with a delicious taste, refreshing and can help overcome the lack of fluids in the body. But that doesn't mean all the needs of the body in a day can only be obtained there.

Pharmacology expert from the University of Indonesia Prof. Dr. dr. Purwantyastuti, MSc, SpFK, reminded to drink sufficient coconut water so that the body does not have excess potassium.

"Actually, there is no way to drink specifically, but it must be remembered that even though it functions to overcome dehydration, it is better not to use coconut water to meet all water needs in a day (8-10 glasses)," said Purwantyastuti as quoted by ANTARA.

If you drink it every day, it should be limited to just enough, such as one or two glasses. This is because Kalium content can be a problem if the total potassium in the body has too high levels because this substance will also be obtained from food. Too high potassium can interfere with heart function.

"But don't worry, as long as you drink it doesn't overdo it, coconut water won't cause health problems," he explained.

The main utility of headwater is to overcome dehydration or lack of fluids in the body. The body that lacks fluids automatically becomes unhealthy. A lack of fluids will automatically cause problems in all chemical reactions in the body's systems, including the immune system.

"It feels delicious and refreshing, makes coconut water easy to drink for people who are sick, automatically their body fluids return and encourage recovery. This may lead to people linking coconut water to immunity," said Prof.


In the body, coconut water and other body fluids are part of the blood that functions to bring oxygen to the body's cells, which the immune system and other systems in the body need to function properly.

In addition, adequate fluids in the body are also needed so that the system in the body can work properly in removing toxins from the body, so drinking more can help prevent toxins that accumulate and have a negative impact on the body's system including the immune system.

If we become dehydrated, the entire body system will be disrupted. Consumption of adequate and appropriate fluids, including coconut water, along with adequate nutrition and sleep, is an important component needed by a healthy immune system.

"This is also practiced in traditional medicine. Traditional medicine is in every place and in every country its use may vary. But in several places in Indonesia, as I know, there is confidence to drink coconut water at a time of diarrhea. This practice can be right if the goal is to replace the lost liquid," he said.

"Then there are also those who consume it when they have a fever. For what? One way to reduce fever is rehydration or restore lost body fluids. Do not let fever people become dehydrated, because dehydration itself will exacerbate fever. So based on local wisdom, it turns out that coconut water is used for benefits to overcome dehydration, "said Prof. Tuti.

Coconut water is a good drink to restore hydration and refill electrolytes lost during exercise. Electrolyte is a mineral that plays several important roles in your body, including maintaining the right balance of fluids. Some vital electrolytes including potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium which are all coconut water content. Several other studies have found that coconut water may be more useful than energy drinks to get fluids back after exercise.

Apart from being sweet and hydrating naturally, coconut water can also complement the intake of several important nutrients, including minerals that are often not consumed in sufficient levels. Five percent of coconut water content is a natural source of some important minerals.

Coconut water is certainly not the same between one grain and another, but the average content can be estimated at around 100 cc. For per glass of 200 cc, generally the content contains carbohydrates of around 7.5 grams/gold, a little protein, which is about 1.5 - 2 grams/gold and a little fat is only 0.5 grams/gold. The amount of energy content is 20-30 Kcal/100 cc or 40-60 Kcal/gelas.

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