JAKARTA - After drinking coffee, sometimes the smell of urine also smells of coffee. What does it mean for body health? Is it dangerous? This is the explanation.

Through someone's urine, you can find out about that person's health problems. This is based on the assessment of the color of urine that can be seen with the naked eye to the aroma.

After consuming coffee, sometimes the urine also smells like coffee. It turns out that this is because you consume large amounts of coffee, as reported by Medical News Today, Wednesday, March 10. Because coffee contains more than 1.000 chemical compounds that contribute to taste, smell, and appearance. The antioxidants in coffee, namely polyphenols, are the main ingredients responsible for the aroma of the coffee.

Polyphenols that are absorbed by the digestive tract system are digested and then excreted in the urine. So, that's the reason why urine can smell like coffee. Because the polyphenols consumed are quite high.

Coffee also contains high caffeine. This caffeine will increase the frequency of urination. Therefore it can lead to dehydration even higher.

When a person is dehydrated, the color of the urine is much darker. So that the urine that is released has much less water content, even more, waste product (coffee) than usual.

If you feel that your urine smells like coffee, this is also a sign of coffee addiction. You may also experience symptoms of nausea, chronic insomnia, headaches, chest pain, palpitations, and hallucinations.

To overcome this problem, you can do it by reducing the consumption of caffeine (coffee). If you are accustomed to consuming 4 cups of coffee per day, then you should reduce it. You can also replace coffee with mineral water.

Apart from drinking coffee, if you eat some of the following foods it can also cause the smell of urine to change. Like consuming asparagus, garlic, kale, salmon, alcohol, to spicy foods.

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