YOGYAKARTA If you are a parent who just has a child, don't underestimate the physical demands of carrying out the role of caring for and accompanying children. The reason is, physical demands demand the right position of motion so as not to affect your posture. Wrong, can feel pain in the back, shoulders, and waist.

In fact, poor posture has a negative impact on health and overall strength over time. According to a chiropractor, Wilson Wang, DC., poor posture causes strain on the body.

If physical activity posture is not immediately improved regarding equalization and parenting, it can cause long-term problems, such as scoliosis, carpal tunneling, and chronic back pain. In the short term, poor posture can also cause problems such as neck pain, headaches, and jaw joints. For this reason, pay close attention to the following activities, and change the right position so that you do not experience both short and long-term risks.

Parents who have small children do a lot of bending and lifting weights. According to doctor Caroline Long, DC., CCCP, a chiropraktor at West University Wellness said, many patients with injuries from carrying an excess load of up to 60 pounds (30 kilograms) without realizing it. So as much as possible, avoid lifting a heavy load. Instead of lifting the weight, it's better to move the load using a trolley or other wheeled aid.

Babies may be light and easy to carry. But holding a baby still requires a bending motion when lifting it from the mattress, stroller, car seat, or floor. Over time, these babies grow. Without realizing it, parents, lifting children who are heavier with a fast tempo can trigger injury. In addition, excessive use of one side of the body, such as carrying a child in one hip, can cause spinal problems and pain.

To prevent injury, pay attention to how you lift and carry your child. If possible, avoid bowing and carrying your child with his back bent. On the other hand, bend your knees and lower your body so that the child is close to your body. Then use your feet and buttocks muscles to lift it from the floor.

Try not to carry toddlers with hips. It is better to balance them when carrying them, for example carrying them in front and your child's legs around your body. Plus, use baby equipment according to your height. This prevents constantly bowing when placing and lifting your child.

When you have children, the cargo of goods in the vehicle needs to be inserted and unloaded. For example lifting a baby stroller, a baby car seat, and a heavy diapers bag. The same goes for when you have to load and unload monthly shopping from the vehicle.

Some ways can help reduce tensions in the body when loading and unloading goods from the vehicle. First, identify how much goods are carried. Better, unloading goods little by little even though it takes a lot of time but saves your back and posture. Second, avoid lifting heavy items with one hand. This can injure your back, shoulders, and arms.

It seems that the position of bowing when cleaning all toys from the floor is often done. But apparently, launching VerywellFamily, Friday, May 17, if not done properly it can have a bad impact on the back. The trick is, let the children play in a place that doesn't need to be cleaned continuously, for example setting up a playroom so that it's okay to fall apart for a while. Also for the children to pick up and clean up themselves if they can afford it.

The more clothes you have to wash, the bigger the laundry basket that you have to carry. If you have to cross the stairs when lifting the wash, it means it can increase the weariness of the joints and back. Tips so as not to damage posture, wash clothes more often so that the load is not heavy. Avoid bringing a large and heavy basket, you can separate it into several times back and forth. This would be better than making the lower back feel pain after washing. In addition, use the right laundry basket. Don't bring a basket that is bigger than your hips.

That's movement activity that is often wrong done and causes injury. Parents also need to do strengthening exercises. The goal is to increase the strength of the core muscle and improve posture. Although new parents don't have much free time to spend in the gym, a set of handloads or yoga helps improve posture. According to Dr. Long, 10 minutes of yoga every day helps reduce pressure on the spine and lengthens muscles.

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