JAKARTA - Celebrities Audi Marrisa is trusted to be involved in the latest series of the production house Hitmakers Production by collaborating with WeTV entitled Main Api. In this series, Audi Marissa will compete acting with Luna Maya, Darius Sinathrya to Marcelino Lefrant to do adult scenes. Audi admitted that the series with adult scenes became a new experience for her in acting. Therefore, she admitted that she had asked permission from her husband, Anthony Xie. Unexpectedly, Anthony Xie's response was very good and instead ordered Audi to immediately accept the serial offer. "Fortunately, my husband, he really believes it, when I received the synopsis, I immediately told him first, 'Are you okay?' Because it's still recent, the wedding, he said,'okay, how come the story is just take it'," said Audi Marissa in the Kebon Sirih area, Mantang, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 8. "But that's okay with something like this, isn't it?', 'it's okay, just take it'," said Audi Marissa.
The mother of one child feels that her husband understands that this series is a serious project that he must play so that he is given full support. "He means he also knows where serious Projects are, it's not really what. So the point is very, very supportive," he said.

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