YOGYAKARTA For children, exercise is not only beneficial for health but also development. Plus, exercise increases concentration, reduces anxiety, and increases self-confidence. However, if children have started to engage in athletics and participate in competitions, it can cause stress and challenges for those who are not ready to face it. For this reason, it is necessary to prepare or train the following children's mental skills.
Exercise can be an emotional vent for some children. However, organized athletics can also cause difficult emotions, such as frustration, anger, anxiety, and sadness. Children can experience this emotion before, during, or when preparing for the competition. That's why children need to be trained to regulate emotions so that they recognize and are skilled at managing it without harming themselves or others.
As explained in the opening, children pursue certain hobbies both for their confidence and development. Not to mention, good sports in building a strong identity. But it's important to note, the identity of a child should not only be based on his role as an athlete. This means that parents also need to emphasize and explain that sports performance is not an unanimous identity. Bad games don't mean bad or worthless people.
Competition basically involves ups and downs, wins and losses. Launching the American Academy of Pediatrics, Tiana Woolridge's pediatric doctor, MD., MPH., explains that young people must learn to set goals for themselves. They also need to be motivated and keep trying to achieve that goal. Even when they compete it doesn't match their wishes
Supposedly, parents also explain that children are not only focused on winning. But how he has worked hard and made progress in achieving their goals.
Those are the three mental skills that need to be trained for children who are pursuing athletics. Make sure you as a parent often talk with your child to make sure they have developed positive mental skills above.
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