The Teuku Ryan camp, represented by its attorney, Dedi Rizal Armidi, tried to answer the allegations that his client did not have an inner income from his ex-wife, Ria Ricis. Where this accusation made Ria Ricis feel insulted because her husband had never touched her by her own husband. Even Ria Ricis through a decree from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia's website, which was spread, had commented on her body shape. Dedi said that his client said that this was just a joke, because Ria Ricis was currently on a diet program. "Yes, so actually ryan also conveyed that. In the quote, there is a joke. If I'm not mistaken at that time Ricis was still running his diet program," said Dedi Rizal Armidi at the South Jakarta Religious Court, Monday, May 6. Furthermore, Dedi also denied that his client had carried out body shamming of his own wife as stated by Ria Ricis in the verdict. "So another small problem I don't want to talk about body shaming is because that's their business. And Ryan doesn't have the term discrediting his own ist. Even if it's written, please just go away," he continued. Previously, through Ria Ricis's decree, she said that she had felt humiliated because she did not get an inner income from Teuku Ryan. This even made Ria Ricis want to change the shape of her breasts because she had received bad comments from Teuku Ryan regarding her body shape. "The plaintiff feels that he is bad, insulting, unwanted and psychologically depressed after giving birth because he does not get the love and inner support of the Defendant as her husband," reads the verdict quoted by VOI, Monday, May 6.
"Until you think you want to change the shape of the breast (implant surgery) so that the Defendant is attracted again to the Plaintiff, because previously the Defendant had said, “ your body is too thin, it's better to eat a lot of ” including commenting on the Plaintiff's chest which is considered the Defendant flat," he continued.

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