YOGYAKARTA Self-care or self-care is important to protect your time, money, and self-esteem. Everyone is different in understanding what and how self-care is. There are people who choose me-times with baking, they often like to walk through nature. Many actions can be taken for personal treatment. But in principle, self-care can do simple things that refresh the mind, body, and soul. Well, here are simple self-care tricks that many people rarely do.

In the life of an individualistic modern society, asking for help is not considered a weakness. That is, avoid internalizing the need for assistance with a weak opinion. This will hinder yourself from getting help from trusted people around you. Therefore, identify what you need and it's okay to ask for help from others, be it professionally, such as conuting to therapists, or venting to close friends.

For example, making a tiring administrative report, you might avoid it. But the more avoided, panic ahead of the deadline will get bigger. So to take care of yourself all the time, you can pay in installments or do it little by little.

Not all tasks must be completed perfectly or perfectly. You need to complete many tasks, even though small, make it an opportunity to complete them on time and change the attitude of perfectionists to excellence.

Setting boundaries means being firm on what you want. Asertive attitude helps set boundaries. For example, saying not directly, honestly, and frankly without feeling guilty. Assertive behavior not only respects your rights but also others.

monthly salary, for example, can run out instantly for self-care reasons. Such as buying goods that are actually not really needed, spa, salon maintenance, and others. On the one hand, treatment in this way can be done. But managing money is more important. By managing money, you also do self-care, because the needs are met, all bills pay off, and reduce stress.

Combining the house can provide many benefits. Including feeling greater control, reduced stress, even increasing brain strength, higher productivity, and better decision making. That is, cleaning the house is not only a physical process, but also mental. Launching Psychology Today, Monday, May 6, reducing chaos means minimizing disturbances so that you are free to concentrate on completing important tasks.

As explained above, having a routine of self-care or taking time for yourself can be done in any way. For example, exercise, meditation, reading books, chatting with family, or lying down while watching dramas. Make daily schedules for self-care, not just to do special things. Even simple things, it also helps you refresh your body, soul, and mind.

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