Collaborating With Isyana Sarasvati, The Audition Gives Talented Dancers The Opportunity To Appear At The Sabang Merauke Performance
Sabang Merauke The Indonesia Broadway Press Conference (Virgilery / VOI)

Singer Isyana Sarasvati is trusted to be involved in the Sabang Merauke The Indonesia Broadway Performance which is a performance organized by Iberanya with BCA.

One of the series of Sabang Merauke The Indonesia Broadwah Performments is the audition of a dancer called The Audition. This audition was held with the aim of providing opportunities for talented dancers from all regions in Indonesia to be part of this colossal performance.

In a press conference, Isyana, who was appointed as one of the judges, tried to present the important points she made as an assessment for the 50 finalists. From this final, 22 of the best dancers will be selected to appear at the Sabang Merauke 2024 Performance.

For Isyana, who as a singer feels there is a close relationship between music and dance. Therefore, he is looking for a dancer who has high musicality.

"If we look at the art of dance, it is very closely related to musical arts, so of course from a musician's point of view, I will definitely look for dancers who can have high musicality," said Isyana Sarasvati in the Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 6.

It doesn't stop there, Isyana also assesses from a high understanding of music, the way finalists dance according to tempo so that they can give life to the movement taught to them.

"The understanding of music is high, how they dance according to the tempo, can provide dynamics at the time of the show," continued Isyana Sarasvati.

"And back to the most important part of the taste, the taste they can give birth to when they watch it is like a very soulful thing, so I saw from there," he said.

The Sabang Merauke The Indonesia Broadway performance has been staged 4 times, namely on March 26, 2022 in Prambanan, 4-5 June 2022 at the Djakarta Theater, 12-13 November 2022 at Ciputra Artpreneur and finally on 19-20 August 2023 at the JIEXPO Convention Center and the Jakarta Theater.

This year, the Sabang Merauke Performance will be held again at the JIEXPO Convention Center & Theater Jakarta on August 17 and 18, 2024.

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