YOGYAKARTA - Talking about the prohibition of Hajj for female pilgrims is certainly quite interesting, right? Let's review it thoroughly this time, see until it's finished, yes!

As we all know, Hajj is the fifth Islamic unit whose law is mandatory for Muslims who are able to do it. In its implementation, there are hajj pillars that must be carried out, there are also several things that are prohibited from being done.

There is a prohibition, there is a special prohibition for men, prohibitions for men and women, as well as specifically for women during Hajj. Hajj pilgrims must obey the harmony and prohibition.

Rukun Hajj

Reporting from the Manasik Hajj and Umrah Tutunan published by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion, the hajj unit is a practice that must be carried out during the pilgrimage. This charity cannot be replaced with other practices. The following is a list of the hajj pillars.

Prohibition When Hajj

Sourced from the daily Hajj Implementation Through Official Implementation in Hajj Regulations in Indonesia by Andi Intan Cahyani, there are 3 prohibitions that must be considered by pilgrims, namely a special prohibition for men, a special prohibition for women, and a prohibition on men and women.

This is explained in the hadith below.

The woman who is splashing should not use a veil and gloves. (HR. Bukhari no. 1838).

Hajj Prohibition For Men's Congregations

From Abdullah bin Umar radhiyallahu 'anhuma, he said that if someone asked the Prophet Muhammad saw., 'O Prophet, what should be clothes that should be worn by people who are splashing (hajj or Umrah)?'

Rasulullah said, 'You can't wear a shirt, tyban, trousers, skullcap, and shoes, except for those who don't get sandals, so they can wear shoes. He should have cut his shoes below the two eyes. He shouldn't wear clothes that are given z(faran) and wars (scentering waves).' (HR. Bukhari no. 1542).

Hajj Prohibition For Women And Men Congregations

If the pilgrims violate these prohibitions, there are fines or dams that must be paid. Fines depending on the prohibition that is violated. Therefore, pilgrims are obliged to remember and comply with every prohibition that has been carried out, whether it is a special prohibition for men, a special prohibition for women, or a prohibition for men and women.

Talking about the pilgrimage, you also have to know what 'Criteria for Hajj Pilgrims has the right to Pay off and how to Make Repayments'.

So after knowing the prohibition of hajj for female pilgrims, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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