Besides Food, This Drink Can Also Lose Weight
Illustration of Healthy Drinks (Toni Cuenca / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Being overweight does not always come from food. Sometimes, you also don't pay attention to the intake of fluids that enter the body, such as sweet drinks. When undergoing a diet program, without realizing it, fluid calories in the body will easily decrease. Quoted from Insider, Monday, March 8, here are 5 healthy drinks that can help diet programs without reducing body fluid levels.

Mineral Water

Water does not contain any sweeteners at all so it is good for your health. Drinking water before eating helps fill the stomach so that food intake can be less. A well-hydrated body will keep hunger at bay.

Infused Water

Replacing high-calorie drinks with water not only lowers calorie levels after each meal but also improves digestion and metabolism. If you get bored with plain water, fill a glass of water with ice cubes and mix it in, such as cucumber slices, lime wedges, basil, and mint leaves. This drink is called infused water.

Green tea

The caffeine content in green tea can increase the body's ability to burn fat and metabolism in the body, for example, green tea. A study states that consuming green tea before jogging can burn more fat than not consuming it at all.

Black coffee

Consuming black coffee in the morning is believed to be able to lose weight. The decrease in body fat does not only occur due to changes in diet and physical activity, it can also be due to caffeine in coffee intake which increases the body's metabolic processes. Be careful not to add any mixture in black coffee such as sugar or cream. Another addition to black coffee will add calories and weight.

Coconut water

Regular exercise to lose weight can increase the body's metabolism and speed up fat burning. Coconut water is better to drink after exercise compared to other drinks that contain lots of sugar and calories. The low sugar content of coconut water is good for the health of the body and accelerates weight loss.

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