Betharia Sonata Allegedly Attacked By Stroke, Willy Dozan Seen Accompanying
Betharia Sonata and Willy Dozan (ist)

JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from the old singer Betharia Sonata who had to lie in the hospital after a recent stroke.

In the picture in the scattered chain message, it can be seen that Betharia Sonata is lying helpless on the hospital bed.

However, Betharia Sonata's ex-husband, Willy Dozan, was also seen accompanying her at the hospital. Willy was seen holding Betharia Sonata's hand as if giving her strength.

This shows the harmony of this couple's relationship even though it has been separated since 2022.

It is not clear since when the singer of the song Yang Dicinta Tak Menyayang was lying in the hospital. The news circulating only says that Leon Dozan's mother is up to a 61-year-old stroke.

The VOI team is still contacting Betharia Sonata to confirm the news of the disease that attacked her.

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