YOGYAKARTA - Talking about tips on choosing a therapeutic aroma so that you can sleep quickly, you need a reference and you can't regret it, therefore this time we will discuss it here.
The aroma of therapy is a treatment for restoring physical and psychological health that relies on extract from natural plants. You also know this technique with essential oil therapy because the ingredients used are essential oils.
Well, the method of using essential oils for the aroma of therapy is various ways, namely You drive it directly from the bottle, or you turn it into steam with the support of a diffuser. Not only that, you can also apply or massage it to the skin or mix it with water to soak.
One of the therapeutic aroma skills is to help a person sleep better. The aroma of essential oil can help ease the mind and relax the tense muscles so that it can reduce stress of mind, anxiety, and pain that often disturbs sleep.
A study in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal told the efficacy of essential oil therapy to improve sleep quality in mothers who had just given birth.
A total of 158 mothers were divided into 2 groups; one group was asked to use lavender oil at night and the other did not use fragrances. For 8 weeks, mothers who use lavender oil can sleep better.
There are various types of essential oils. However, to improve the quality of sleep, there are several essential oils for aromatherapy, including:
I. Lavender Oil
The content of oil from flowers originating from this fragrant angustifolia Lavandula plant can refresh the air so that you can sleep well.
II. Cedarwood Oil
This oil comes from Sadar plant wood, namely Cedrus atlantica can help you sleep longer.
III. Bergamot Oil
The aroma of therapy for sleep comes from a fruit that looks like an orange with the Latin name Citrus with fun. Oil from this fruit helps calm the mind so that it makes it easier for you to fall asleep.
IV. Valerian Root Oil
Many serve this valerian root oil as the main ingredient of herbal tea to help sleep faster and build more powered.
V. Chamomile Oil
Researchers show that the use of essential oil from chamomile plants can reduce the frequency of elderly people waking up in the middle of the night. You need to know that the elderly are an age group that is prone to sleep disorders.
Although there are many series of therapeutic scents that can help you sleep better, not all have the same effect. Some types of essential oils can have the opposite effect, which is to make you more vigilant so that they are not suitable for you to use at night.
An example of essential oil that can interfere with sleep is essential oil from sandalwood, rosmary, or bitter orange tree branches. These three essential oils can increase vigilance by increasing your heart rate and blood pressure, and your respiratory rate.
Effects Of Side Aroma Of Therapy
Although research has shown the ability of essential oil to help sleep more soundly, not everyone will feel its efficacy. In fact, it causes problems after use, one of which creates an allergic response.
This may happen if people who use this method have allergies to certain ingredients found in essential oils. It could also be caused by the use of essential oils that are not true as aromatherapy.
You need to know that essential oils are so strong that you shouldn't overuse them. When you want to massage your body with essential oils, mix carrier oil such as jojoba oil or almond oil.
If the aroma of therapy doesn't help you make you sleep better, you can try other techniques. Starting from staying away from habits that disrupt sleep or carrying out relaxation therapy before bed.
However, if all these methods are not successful, consult a doctor about your condition. Doctors will help find the cause to determine the appropriate treatment.
In addition, you also need to know: 7 Aroma Essential Oils That Help Prevent Traveling.
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