5 Things That Are Not Suspected Can Damage Sexual Desire
Illustration of things that damage sexual desire (Freepik/wavebreakmedia_micro)

YOGYAKARTA Sexual desire is mostly influenced by daily habits. Not only performance when making love with a partner, but there are things that are not suspected of being able to damage sexual desire. One of them, about the aroma that turns out to be large, contributes to women's libido. According to research, bad smell can kill women's fluids. In full, check the following things that influence sexual desire.

Many reviews inform that shells, oroysters, contain zinc that is good for health. But if not selected or harvested from a clean sea, the shells actually absorb the toxins of the environment. So, before having an agenda together with your partner, launches YourTango, Monday, April 29, avoid consuming it.

Insomnia or low sleep quality, affects a lot of aspects of life. Starting from cognitive ability that decreases so that it is difficult to concentrate and focus. Until it can affect sexual desire.

Research found that sleep shortage directly affects hormone production that directly affects your desire to have sex. Sufficient sleep is the most important thing in all aspects of your health, especially if you want to keep your love life fun.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is usually done to 'warm up' the atmosphere. Especially when you are in a cold place. Even though it's wine, which in some studies is shown to be beneficial for health, drinking alcoholic beverages excessively affects sexual desire.

Based on historical records, the first corn flakes, or corn contracts were made in 1894 by John Harvey Kellogg, reported by Metro. This is food for patients in sanitary. This food is healthy, good for workers. However, because it was made bulk, the rumors could "let go" of desire.

The body's image is negative, making a person reluctant to be 'open', vulnerable, and honestly follow his desire to make love with his partner. For example, a person is afraid of rejection so that he thinks his body has an image that his partner does not accept. Keep in mind, nothing that is perfect and perfect is boring. That is, it is important to build a positive body image that affects all aspects of life, including self-confidence and sexual life, which is more enjoyable.

Those are the five things that are unexpected can affect sexual desire. To overcome factors that reduce libido, it is important for you and your partner to consult a professional or sexologist.

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