YOGYAKARTA Managing time is a matter of regulating behavior. If we often don't have much time while there are many tasks that need to be completed in one day, meaning we need to manage behavior first. Only after the habit of sorting out and putting priorities in the right time will have more opportunities to complete tasks. So according to psychology, here's how to manage behavior that helps work effectively.

It is important to determine what you want to achieve in completing tasks. Completing everything, is not a behavior based on the right perspective. Of course you can't solve everything. That's why it's important to set goals based on priority. Take note of what you think is most important.

Keep your priorities and articultation in the peak of awareness. This is important, in order to keep in mind what to do and how many places you have to stop on duty. In this way, according to clinical psychologist Michael Wiederman, Ph.D. reported by Psychology Today, Monday, April 29, starting every day by making a priority list based on if I can do one thing, what should I do.

Plans will not happen if you think you will do it if you have time. So, make a schedule with certain blocks specifically to complete tasks according to priority. Be aware of disturbances and it's okay to be late on a certain schedule block. But make sure to anticipate interference, for example by turning off your cellphone notifications so you don't see the faults that interfere with you in completing tasks according to schedule.

Every hour a day we don't have the same level of energy and focus ability. For most people, the peak time is in the afternoon, despite some differences between individuals. Determine what you have to do when performance peaks. Make sure to schedule your most important tasks during that time for tasks that require deep thinking, concentration, and perhaps creativity. Protect this time from glitches such as notifications on your phone or computer, and save routine tasks such as answering email messages outside of rush hour.

When the time is busiest, it may mark you as highly appreciated. Because so many people rely on and entrust responsibilities to you. But it's a good idea to review the benefits of the moment being too busy. Do you feel disturbed by imperfections or incompleteness?

For example, you choose to do your own job because the team on duty does not comply with your standards. Or you are encouraged to take all your duties because you feel you have more time. But actually, these two things actually add to the burden on managing time. So, it's important to learn to weigh which tasks are useful or add to the burden.

Assuming it might be easier than a thorough task. However, small misunderstandings may take time. Especially if the agreement is made without clarification and negotiation. So try as clearly as possible when requesting or receiving requests. Discuss the details about the tasks, deadline, and who the team is involved in, or other details.

That's how to manage time in order to complete more tasks. It's important to understand, time management is not completed with just one magical strategy. Such as the experience of living and regulating continuous behavior throughout life, managing time unbroken from dilemma. So in the process, it must be based on awareness and experiment.

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