JAKARTA - In addition to making the park more beautiful with a relaxed atmosphere, growing grass in the yard can also provide more oxygen intake in the home area. Grass is easy to grow with less difficult care.

However, if treatment is carried out in excess and not measured, it can also make grass difficult to grow and dry easily. Launching from The Spruce, Monday, April 29, you should avoid the following things so that grass grows more fertile.

Using too much fertilizer

When it comes to cultivating grass in the yard, giving excessive amounts of fertilizer can damage the soil and damage the grass. Because too much fertilizer will damage the balance of the soil pH. Damaged grass marks due to excess fertilizers are the color of the grass that turns brown or yellow. You need to water the grass yard with more water to help it recover.

Lack of fertilizer

On the other hand, not enough fertilizer is also a common problem that needs to be considered. Grass that do not receive enough fertilizer often lack the nutrients needed to grow and stay green.

Choosing fertilizers that do not match the type of grass

When looking for the right fertilizer for the grass, you need to consider the specific needs.

There are various kinds of fertilizers in the market that can be selected, and the best fertilizer for your yard depends on the grass growth zone. Consider renting a professional to provide directions on the best type of fertilizer for grass in your yard.

Commercial fertilizers or those sold in the market contain Nitrogen (N), Fosfor (P), and Kalium (K), and in their pockets must include the percentage of each element they contain.

Cutting grass is too short

Cutting the clump is too short so that all the leaves run out can cause the root system to be damaged. If you allow this little higher grass to make the roots grow deeper so that it can absorb a lot of nutrients, moisture and thicker grass. With this you can reduce the amount of weeds that may grow on the sidelines of grass and grass can cover the soil perfectly.

Avoid cutting grass when wet

The best time to trim grass is when the grass is dry. When wet due to watering or dew, the leaves will curl down making the cutting process difficult and making the cut not neat. However, there are times when you have to cut grass when it rains heavily. Avoid cutting during the dry season because it will interfere with grass growth.

Don't cut grass during the day

Cutting grass at the right time can make grass thrive. If you cut it during the day, the heat of the sun not only makes you stressed but it will also make grass stressed. The right time is in the afternoon when the temperature is not too hot and the grass is dry.

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