Ruben Onsu Let Jordi Onsu Meet His Children Even Though They Are Fighting
Ruben Onsu (Instagram @ruben_onsu)

JAKARTA - Celebrity Ruben Onsu said that he had been fighting with his younger brother Jordi Onsu for the past year. Ruben said that he was already hurt by his sister's behavior.

"He said it was true that he had been used to me for a long time, maybe his brother and sister, but if this is a heart injury that I feel unfortunately, so I chose to remain silent, focus there myself and then I don't want to hurt anything and everything is fine," said Ruben Onsu in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta, Friday, April 19.

Furthermore, Ruben Onsu still hopes that there will be peace with Jordi but not for now. Now he chooses to remain silent first and not take care of this.

"Everyone also wants peace, it's fine, but for me, in this case I think I can use my voice to be silent, not to give anything, about what I said was dissolved, so it was lulled," he explained.

Even though he was experiencing a cold war, Ruben did not forbid Jordi to meet his three children because he still considered him their uncle.

"Sarwendah has invited him to meet with Uncle, he has tried to be a good neutralizer but with my children there is nothing to do with him. He's my business, if it's the children, please, that's the Uncle," he concluded.

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