YOGYAKARTA Swelling in medical terms is called the edema. Symptoms refer to swelling due to fluid gathering under the skin. Swelling in general, occurs in response to injury or infection. It can also occur when sitting too long while traveling, so that the legs swell. Swelling also occurs with age as small valves of leg blood vessels leak. Meanwhile, lymphadema or lymphedems are long-term or chronic conditions that cause abnormal and persistent swelling in the body.

Swelling due to lymphhedems, usually seen in the arms, legs, as well as the face, neck, body, and genitals. In the lymphatic system, it contains lymph nodes and blood vessels that carry this fluid to be transferred through the bloodstream. When problems arise in this transfer system or transportation system, the liquid can be collected on the tissue and cause an edema or swelling. Importantly recognized, lymph fluid is a fluid that surrounds the body's tissue and contains white blood cells, proteins, and nutrients.

Body swelling, either due to lymphadema or due to other diseases, must be addressed immediately. The reason is, constant swelling will encourage the body to produce many collagen and fat. So that it can cause dry, thickening, or ruptured skin and risk skin infection.

Swelling due to lymphade, may not improve significantly. Although doctors provide prescriptions for diuretic drugs, chronic inflammation contributes to cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions. The cause of lymphadema, in general, is because the lymphatic system is damaged. But specifically, it could be due to the following:

Launching Harvard Health, Friday, April 19, the most common cause of lymphade in the United States is cancer and cancer treatment. It is estimated that one in five breast cancer sufferers will experience lymphedemic.

Symptoms of lymphphedem usually occur gradually so that it is not initially realized. The main symptoms are swelling in the lower leg and ankle or arm leg. Common symptoms of lymphades other than swelling, among others as follows:

If lymphedemics are caused by certain cancers and tumors, swelling may occur in other areas. For example, head and neck cancer can cause swelling in the face and neck, while a stomach and pelvic tumor can cause swelling in the stomach, genitals, or legs.

Limfedema is a chronic condition where the bereum has a cure. Treatment can help treat pain and swelling and minimize complications. Lifestyle changes are of course also important to prevent lymphedemic disease from getting worse.

Most effective, lymphemic patients need to undergo complete deconcedive therapy (Coplete Decision Therapy/CDT). CDT, among others, is done with therapists and doctor recommendations. Among them are exercise to encourage healthy weight and circulation, swollen skin care, compression therapy, advanced pneumatic compression therapy, and lymphatic drainage.

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