Wika Salim Lebaran With His Lover, Has Received Blessing From The Big Family
Wika Salim And Max Adam Kamil (Instagram @wikasalim)

JAKARTA - Dangdut singer Wika Salim said he already had the desire to continue his love affair with his girlfriend, Max Adam Kamil to a more serious level, aka getting married.

Even this seriousness has been shown by Wika Salim by inviting his girlfriend to Eid with his family which makes him grateful because this Eid is no longer alone, aka jomlo.

"Alhamdulillah, I'm happy, because usually, you and your husband and wife, your partner, usually myself, but yesterday, thank God, there was a friend next door, there was already one addition," said Wika Salim in the SCBD area, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, April 17.

This 31-year-old woman said that her lover's presence at the moment of family gathering could be well received by her family. The reason is that Wika said that as long as the direction is good, the family will give her the green light.

"If the family supports it, the important thing is that the direction is good, positive, definitely support," he continued.

Furthermore, Wika explained that the family also wanted him to immediately continue his relationship with his lover to a further level, but this could not be fulfilled by Wika and his partner.

"If it's family, if it's parents, what is certain is that if it's really serious, what can I do. But even if there's still something to think about, it must be together and must be sure both parties," he explained.

Currently Wika still wants to be serious about his career first and focus on making his family happy first as long as he can still give his best for his parents.

"Yes, I want to get married, I don't want to get married, it's just that now, everyone is doing it, career is doing it, it's good with family, especially with parents. I still want to be in a position, while I can still give my parents, I want extra for my parents," he concluded.

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