Just Freed, Olivia Nathania, Nia Daniaty's Child, Allegedly Again Committing Fraud
Nia Daniaty and Olivia Nathania (Instagram @niadaniatynew)

JAKARTA - The daughter of an old singer Nia Daniaty, Olivia Nathania, or familiarly called Oi, was declared free from prison in connection with the case of accepting a fraudulent Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS).

This was conveyed directly by Oi's attorney, Susanti Agustina through a short message stating that her client was free.

"That's right, it's free," replied Susanti Agustina to the media crew, Tuesday, April 16.

Although it was only reported that he was released, the victim's attorney, Odie Hudiyanto, said that Oi had started acting again, aka cheating.

However, Odie did not explain further the intention of Oi, who had returned to action after committing fraud against 225 people with a total loss of Rp 9.7 billion.

"It's true, Ms. (it's free). It's even acting again," said Odie Hudiyanto via text message.

For information, Olivia Nathania was sentenced to 3 years in prison on March 28, 2022, where she was proven to have violated Article 378 in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code on Fraud.

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