YOGYAKARTA The family space is part of the activities at home, especially when the family is close. Well, to make sure the room where you chat with your family remains fragrant, do the following tricks.

Cleanliness expert and director Truly Free reported by Homes and Garden, Thursday, April 11, advises always opening windows or ensuring air circulation is good in the room. This needs to be done to reduce humidity. For example by turning on a fan or opening a side door. You can also use a uhumidifier that helps clean the air in the room so that it remains balanced and clean.

Very unlikely to be able to completely remove dust at home. But cleaning the dust regularly and thoroughly is important. In addition, make sure not to miss the shelf or photo frame. By cleaning the dust regularly, it can help refresh the aroma of your family space.

Although the remote television or light switch doesn't make the room feel bad. But the buildup of a tubter can cause an unpleasant odor over time. When you clean up small details, it can make a big difference in the cleanliness of the family space. This also includes checking under the dining table or under the furniture cupboard. Don't let the food fall and inviteLASSes or mice. So, pay attention to the small areas that are rarely touched as well.

Certain furniture, can be cleaned by spraying soft furnishing and wiping it with a lap. But for sofas, tablets, or carpets, it needs to be cleaned specifically. Including curtains, which need to be washed regularly. Plus pillows and bed sheets can smell like apek if they are not dried or washed regularly.

There are several ways to add to the fragrance of the family space. Starting from using a red diffuser or aromatherapy wax. You can also spray essential oil mixtures on the furniture to help emit a distinctive fragrance. Regarding the choice of aroma, you can choose which gives calming, warming, and relaxing effects. Like lavender, chamomile, or eucalyptus.

The trick to keep the family space fragrant is quite simple, right? After knowing what lists need to be done in the explanation above, you can schedule tasks to make the family space fragrant and comfortable.

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