Surya Insomnia Testifies Babe Cabita A Figure Responsible For Family
Surya Insomnia (Virgilery/VOI)

JAKARTA - Celebrity Surya Insomnia was also present at the funeral home of the late comedian Babe Cabita who died today, Tuesday, April 9 at Mayapada Hospital Lebak Bulus.

After mourning, Surya gave information about the figure of Babe Cabita. He firmly said that Babe was a good person.

Not only that, according to Surya Insomnia, Babe Cabita is the person responsible for his family.

"Babe is good, I can testify that Babe is a good person, the person in charge of his family," said Surya Insomnia in the Cirendeu area, South Tangerang, Tuesday, April 9.

Furthermore, he hopes that the kindness that has been done by Babe Cabita throughout his life can be accepted by God Almighty.

"And what he did during his life was easy to become a charity for his finger," he continued.

Surya Insomnia (Virgilery/VOI)

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