Celebrity Fanny Ghassani said that she was sure that her husband, Erwan Agustian Priyambudi, would not cheat or commit corruption even though he worked as a businessman in the Bali area, like the case that was befalling one of the Indonesian artists.

"I believe my husband doesn't play in that area," said Fanny Ghassani in the Mampang Prapatan area, recently.

As a wife, Fanny admitted that she could not interfere too much in her husband's business problems. Therefore, as a wife, she can only pray and remind Erwan.

"As a wife, I pray and remind you, it can happen to anyone who might make a mistake or intentionally, I don't understand," said Fanny.

Not without reason, this 33-year-old woman feels confident that her husband will not be trapped in corruption because his business does not intersect with things that trigger fraudulent acts.

In addition, they adhere to the principle that getting money does not have to be done by doing everything, especially by cheating.

"I think my husband is a mandate, because his business doesn't intersect there. We both pursue material but don't justify everything. Indeed, the principle we hold, we never want to go up but by stepping on people," said Fanny.

"You see my career like this, I'm working for money but not stepping on people, I don't have sensations and gossip. The way I work I also therapy and reflect on my husband. I hope my husband works well and correctly," he concluded.

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