What To Do When Kepiak Bruntusan? This Is The Doctor's Explanation
Illustration (Cottonbro Studio/Pexels)

JAKARTA - If your armpit area has a breakthrough or a small boil appears according to the use of deodorant products, you need to stop the use of the odor removal product.

"Stop (product use) first. Let the skin recover for several weeks," said dermatologist from the Indonesian Association of Skin and Gender Specialists (Perdoski) Melawati Hermawan as quoted by ANTARA.

According to the doctor who is familiarly called Mely, the brutusan is a sign of uncomfortable skin with the deodorant products used. In addition to truncation, you also need to pay attention to the condition of your armpits. Does it feel itchy, hot, to red or even black skin? If so, does it mean that your skin is irritated and can be classified as sensitive skin.

On sensitive skin, inflammation is easier to occur. You should choose products that do not contain perfume, paraben, lanolin and propylene glycol because it triggers irritation.

"(Cundum) perfume most often causes irritation, the effects of burning if it is too strong the content. But indeed people's complaints are different," said Mely

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