YOGYAKARTA Various types of Eid snacks, from cakes to biscuits, fried and crunchy snacks are an option. Usually, these fried snacks are chosen because they are easy to process and have ingredients that are easy to obtain. Here, the reference for fried Eid snacks.

Considered an old-school snack, because from the 90s, wijen seesaw flowers always decorate stoples during Eid. If you are looking for fried Eid snacks, wijen seesaw flowers can be an alternative choice.

Goyanging flowers, made from flour, rice flour, and tapioka flour. These three types of flour are the same size, mixed with granulated sugar, wijen seeds, eggs, and a little water. When the dough is mixed with thick consistency, it is ready to be printed in hot cooking oil.

This onion cake is unique in processing it. The ingredients used are quite standard, namely flour, shallots and garlic that are smoothed, peeling celery leaves, eggs, coconut milk, salt, and flavoring. If you like it a little spicy, powder can be added. How to process it, after becoming a potassium dough, cut it so that one and another are not symmetrically shaped.

There are various pastel versions in the archipelago. This difference in the contents, including pastels filled with rangout, bihun and carrots, and abon. For fried Eid snacks, pastel abon is quite popular. Whether it's a chicken abon or chicken abon, even Ebi, which is savory can also be created as pastel filling.

Pastels use flour flour mixed with margarine, eggs, fine garlic or powder, and salt and water. Donans are made of Kalis and then kept quiet for 10-15 minutes. Then the dough is formed edged and beautiful and added with the preferred abon filling. Because fried, this snack has a delicious susceptibility.

Nusantara has a variety of spices. For fried Eid snacks, it can be one of the spices for the ingredients. Adas has a sweet taste, a little spicy, and a sharp aroma. When combined with snacks called ketapang seeds, it will produce a perfect combination.

Ketapang seeds are snacks made from wheat flour, eggs, margarine, coconut coconut, and vegetable oil. If the adaptation is used to enrich the taste, it must be stimulated first so that the aroma glows.

This Eid snacks, also known as bidrants. This cheese cyclone egg is somewhat unique, because it does not use wheat flour but canji or tapioka flour. Flour which is an extract or essence of this cassava, crunchy blended with cheese. The ingredients are also simple and easy to process, including margarine, eggs, salt, and flavoring.

As a recommendation for fried Eid snacks, this one should not be left behind. Namely, the onde-onde laughter mini, which is beautiful on the outside because of the wijen seed spots. Regarding the taste, this cake made from flour tastes a little sweet taste.

Onion stik is often called a sadrang. The ingredients used are quite simple, namely flour and machine and margarine and eggs. To form a beautiful greenness motif, the celery is sprinkled in the dough. Garlics can certainly be relied on to emit the fragrance of this typical Eid hawker in Indonesia.

That's a list of Eid snacks that are fried. Although easy to process and cheap, it's also important to pay attention to how to store them. Make sure it is stored in an air-resistant jar so that it can last long.

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