List Of Groups Of People Who Don't Have The Right To Accept Zakat
Illustration of zakat (Between)

YOGYAKARTA Islam not only regulates who is obliged to pay zakat fitrah, but also regulates people who do not have the right to receive zakat. Simply put, people who do not have the right to receive zakat are people who are not included in the mustahik group.

As is known, there are eight criteria for people who are entitled to receive zakat as stated in the Letter of Taubah verse 60 with the following meaning.

"Indeed, zakat is only for the poor, the poor, the zakat amil, the people whose hearts are shed (mulaf), to (equit) the martyrs, to (free) the debts, to the way of Allah, and to those who are on the way, as an obligation of Allah. Allah knows, is wise (QS. At-Taubah: 60).

By referring to the letter At-Taubah verse 60 it can be concluded that people who are not included in the group are not entitled to receive zakat. However, the ulama detailed that there are five groups that do not have the right to receive zakat, namely as follows.

A person who has an economy that is sufficient or has excess assets to buy basic commodities does not have the right to receive zakat. This is as hadith which means as follows.

"It is not halal for zakat to be given to the rich," (HR. Bukhari, Muslim, etc.).

Likewise conveyed on the NU Online website which states that orphans who are able to support themselves with very sufficient or still have a family that can meet their needs, the child is not entitled to receive zakat.

Servants or sahaya servants are not entitled to receive zakat. This is because the needs of a servant are assumed to have been fulfilled by his servant even though the slave economically does not have property.

Someone who is still of the descendants of the Prophet or Ahlul Bait cannot send zakat fitrah. This is as stated in the Prophet SAW, which means as follows.

"Indeed, zakat should not be given to Muhammad Saw's family. Because zakat is nothing but human waste," (HR. Muslim and others).

Families or relatives of people who give zakat do not have the right to receive zakat. The family in question is people with the relationship of the zakat giver's father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, children, grandchildren, husband, wife, siblings, and so on. The reason for this prohibition is that the family has an obligation to support each other.

Prophet Rasulullah SAW also explicitly forbids in his speech;

"Zakat should not be given to rich people and relatives of people who give zakat," (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud, etc.).

People who are not Muslim or infidels do not have the right to receive zakat because zakat is only given to people who believe in Allah SAT. This is as the message of the Prophet Muhammad, which is as follows.

"Relieve them (Muslims): Required for their zakat. Zakat is taken from the rich and given to the poor among them (Muslims)."

In addition to knowing people who do not have the right to receive zakat, know the deadline for paying zakat fitrah.

Those are some groups of people who do not have the right to receive zakat. Visit to get other interesting information.

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