YOGYAKARTA Lebaran with your family, less warm without the food served at the dining table. In addition to snacks that are lined up on the living room table, you and your family can enjoy eating together with special dishes. Most popularly, dishes during Eid are opor, lontong sayur, rendang, or soto. Well, as a reference for cheap Eid food, here's the list.

Opor kuah kuning, peppered with turmeric. This waste, apart from having been used for centuries as medicine, has also become a cooking spice. For cheap Eid foods, you can replace chicken meat with healthy vegetable ingredients, namely siam labus.

Opor rabuh siam, can be created with a mixture of other ingredients. For example, yellow tofu is added, or tempeh. For spice ingredients, it feels rich because it uses Kemiri, ginger, ketumbar, a little pepper, greeting leaves, orange leaves, lengkuas, and brown sugar.

The archipelago has various food ingredients, including for this Padang vegetable lontong, young jackfruit is processed with spices so that it feels luxurious for Eid dishes.

Even though it is made cheap, it is a young jackfruit that is boiled, mixed with long beans or additional cabbage and boiled eggs, it can be a special dish on a plate of rice cake slices. There is no need to doubt that ingredients such as turmeric leaves, greeting leaves, orange leaves, lemon leaves, and lemongrass sauce present a rich aroma. Vegetables typical of Padang, also use complete spices. Such as cloves, Lawang flowers, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

There are two variations of liwet rice in Java, namely liwet rice in Solo and Sundanese. Nasi liwet Solo, is generally served with fried chili sauce, boiled eggs, and mixed chicken meat.

For Sundanese liwet rice, rice is generally cooked with coconut milk to present a sour taste plus spices and leafy engulfs. It can also be accompanied by fried salt fish or grilled chicken.

Rendang seasoning is quite well known in the archipelago. For the variety of cheap Eid dishes, it can replace meat with plant-based protein, such as tempeh plus potatoes. For spices, it is still complete, such as spices that are used for beef rendang. It's just that, tempeh needs to be fried first.

Sop senerek is famous for its special Magelang dish which uses red beans. Can be added with other fillings, such as cooking empanals, babat, and perkedel. To present a savory taste, soup is fresh using cow ribs. Fresh red beans are accompanied by carrots as vegetable fillings. Uniquely, capulaga, cinnamon, and cloves glow in a senerek soup bowl.

Ketupat will be complete if it is served with a slightly spicy vegetable. Ketupat Vegetables containing conifold, long beans, and tempeh, are reddish because they use processed curly red chilies. To add flavor, ebi should not forget to put it in the fine spices. Make this vegetable have a perfect taste, sprinkle fried red onions on top.

There are several versions of the origin of the gado-gado. There is a story that gado-gado is an acculturation food brought by traders from Portuguese and Spanish who were first made by the people of Tugu Village, Cilincing, North Jakarta. There is also a story about gados coming from Javanese gadho, which means eating side dishes without rice. From these two versions, of course, of course, they have different peanut sauce cooking techniques but both have a perfect taste. Both also mix vegetables, such as cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, boiled potatoes, long beans or beans.

Soto kemiri is a soupy dish originating from Pati, Central Java. Of course, as the name implies, kemiri is one of the spices as well as jintan. Cita taste soto kemiri, not only delicious but also fresh and appetizing.

Young fern leaves, can be processed into cheap Eid food. As the main ingredient, ferns must be selected which are still fresh and only leaves and young stems are taken. Because it is mixed with shrimp and refined ebi, this sugary taste feels unique. In addition to savory and spices, a little fresh taste emits from this shrimp fern sugar.

The above is a reference for cheap Eid food that can be served when eating with family. Is there anything from the list above that is always served during Eid in your extended family?

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