YOGYAKARTA Emotional intelligence is the ability to regulate emotions of oneself and others and use emotions according to thoughts and actions. Emotional intelligence, also often referred to as emotional quotient (EQ) which has four dimensions. The dimension in emotional intelligence, includes as follows:

Emotional intelligence, in principle, is the same as any other intelligence. Because by having a skilled emotional aspect, you can better understand and overcome emotions so as to build positive thoughts, joy, empathy, gratitude, reassessment, firmness, emotional regulation, and others.

A number of activities can develop emotional intelligence. There are also a number of ways to hone emotional intelligence, including the following.

Recognizing strengths and weaknesses is very important because it can strengthen the brain's ability, work with memory, and positive information. Activities that can be done to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of oneself, can be done by making a list of things that should be grateful for. Including registering what needs to be accepted and realized, remembering positive memory, and paying attention to yourself.

Ask yourself why you do a certain thing. By asking yourself, you have reflected on personal values and the reasons behind the action. It also helps to understand what you feel and why.

If it is difficult to start regularity, look at your eyes and take a deep breath for a while to make it more real. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, March 31, self-regulating includes looking back at what has been done. The goal is to find wisdom and strength in yourself. If you are facing complex problems, spend time identifying problems so that you find the right solution. Don't forget, maintaining your body's health and mentality is also a way of managing yourself.


- https://voi.id/lifestyle/368910/ternyata-gerhana-matahari-bisa-berdampak-pada-emosional-seseorang

- https://voi.id/teknologi/368286/tes-iq-gratis-bersertifikat

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/367944/menurut-penelitian-rutin-olahraga-tingkatkan-ketahanan-terhadap-stres

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/359931/8-alasan-kenapa-sering-merasa-bosan

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/358060/4-panduan-menerapkan-aktualisasi-diri-menurut-psikolog


Social awareness means being present in social interactions. With your presence in social relationships, you train empathy and affection. The goal is to understand why people are different from you and still accept them as they are. Plus, not a warm conversation to relieve awkwardness.

Like the opening explanation, emotional intelligence is not only able to regulate emotions but also manage relationships with others. This can be done by expressing your emotions by letting them know when you appreciate them, care for them, admire them, and feel positive about their presence. It is important to do to listen to each other actively and understand each other's opinions.

Emotional intelligence is important to build or hone because it contributes to mental health, builds better social relationships, and improves success both academically and at work.

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