YOGYAKARTA Some people may think good gold content for jewelry is 24 carats. This assumption is usually based on the level of gold purity.
Gold jewelry with 24 carat levels has a 99 percent percentage purity. However, this typical gold is not suitable for jewelry.
The reason is that gold with a high level of texture tends to be soft so that it is easier to scratched or easily damaged.
So, how much gold content is good for jewelry? Before knowing the answer to this question, it's a good idea to know what is the content of gold jewelry.
The golden content is the level of purity or the amount of original gold contained in the jewelry.
In general, the content of gold is referred to as carat. The provision of information on the gold level of jewelry is intended as a benchmark to determine the amount of gold content in the gold Batangan product or jewelry to be purchased.
The pure gold content that many people already know is 24 carats. This means that each carat contains 1/24 of the total composition in it.
However, gold jewelry cannot reach the purity level of 24 carats. This is because precious metals with the highest purity level have a soft texture.
Therefore, good gold content for jewelry is one that has an ideal comparison with other metals.
Gold jewelry generally contains gold below 70 percent with the remaining percentage of other metals in its composition.
The following is the level of gold purity in Indonesia according to the standards set by the National Standardization Agency (BNS):
If the 24 carat gold content is not suitable for jewelry, then how much gold content is good for jewelry?
According to jewelry experts, the ideal gold percentage in jewelry is 75 percent.
This figure is equivalent to 18 carat gold. Gold composition by 75 percent and other metals by 25 percent is referred to as ideal gold jewelry and is suitable for luxury accessories but with high durability.
Not only that, 18 carat gold is also not easy to change shape during the process of making jewelry, strong, and high-value.
That's good information about gold content for jewelry. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.
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