JAKARTA - The case of drug abuse that dragged Ammar Zoni's name is now starting to enter a new chapter where the evidence file and case files have been received by the West Jakarta District Attorney today, Thursday, March 28.
"So we have handed over the suspect Ammar Zoni or often called stage 2, stage 2, which is the submission of files and evidence. Then we will transfer it to the West Jakarta court," said Hendri Antoro as Head of the West Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Thursday, March 28.
After this, Hendri said Ammar Zoni would return to trial known for the third time after he had previously been caught twice in the same case.
However, Hendri could not confirm when Ammar Zoni's inaugural trial was held which was known to be held at the West Jakarta District Court.
"We cannot predict, because this court has also limited before Eid limits the delegation of cases no later than that date," said Hendri.
"Of course we will coordinate so as not to be disturbed during Eid. We make sure nothing is hampered by the trial, only we arrange the time. We will inform you later," he continued.
Seeing this, Ammar Zoni's attorney, Jon Mathias, said that his client was ready to return to trial.
"God willing, it will be ready. Ready or not, it must be carried out. Yes, of course (strengthening). The best thing is, 'if this is the holy month of Ramadan you (Ammar Zoni) pray that the punishment is frequent and this act does not happen again because it does not only damage family, but destroys yourself'," concluded Jon Mathias.
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