YOGYAKARTA Some newborns experience skin peeling in the early weeks of their life. Although this condition is normal, peeling baby skin can make parents anxious. To overcome these anxiety, parents need to know how to care for the peeling baby's skin.

Quoted from AI-Care, the problem of peeling skin in newborns is caused by the loss of the skin's outermost layer. In medical, the layer is known as vernix.

Vernix is a layer that protects the baby's skin during pregnancy. When a baby is born, the vernix layer is sometimes not peeling off and is still living for some time to protect the baby's skin.

Over time, this layer will peel off and disappear naturally. However, the amount of skin peeling that occurs can vary, depending on the birth time of the baby, whether the baby is born premature, months old enough, or over time.

The above has been explained that exfoliating the skin in newborns is a natural condition. Even so, exfoliation can make the baby's skin dry and cause discomfort.

To treat the peeling skin of the baby, pay attention to the following tips:

1. Keep the baby's skin hydrated

When the baby's skin looks dry and peeling, the thing you can do is keep the baby's skin hydrated. Make sure your little one gets enough breast milk or formula. If you are over six months old, the baby can be given to drink water.

2. Selective in choosing clothes washing soap

Newborn babies tend to have sensitive skin. Therefore, avoid using clothes washing soap with chemicals that can irritate.

To squeezed the baby's clothes, you can use soap or a director general specifically designed to clean a baby's shirt. This type of detergent does not irritate and does not trigger itching.

3. Wear soft clothes

When the skin peels, wear soft clothes for the baby. Adapting The American Academy of Pediatrics, soft clothes such as cotton can absorb better sweat and do not irritate the skin.

4. Avoid bathing the baby for too long

Bathing babies for too long can remove natural oil from the skin. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the duration of the baby's shower.

The ideal baby shower duration is 5-10 minutes. This duration applies to newborns until they are 18 months old.

5. Bath the baby with warm water

Bathing a baby with warm water includes how to treat the peeling baby's skin.

When bathing bayu, use warm water with a temperature of about 37-38 degrees Celsius.

6. Use baby soap that can moisturize the skin

In the Clinical Journal, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology states that baby skin has a less developed epidermis barrier. Therefore, you need to use baby soap that can moisturize your skin so that your baby's skin remains soft and healthy.

7. Apply a moisturizing product that is safe for baby skin

If the baby's skin peels, apply a moisturizing product that is safe for the baby's skin every time it rains.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the use of moisturizing products can prevent dry skin, and keep the baby's skin soft.

That's information about how to care for peeling baby skin. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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