YOGYAKARTA - Overcoming a dry throat when fasting is really necessary for you to know. You see, indeed cases like this are experienced by many of us Muslims who are fasting. So what is the solution? Let's learn together!

This usually happens because we make changes to our habits and diet which can cause several health problems, one of which is a dry throat.

In order to overcome a situation like this, let's learn how it is as discussed below:

1. Flour With Salt Water

Salt has an anti-inflammatory nature that is able to cope with sore throats, so it can be an option to tackle a dry throat after a full day of fasting.

Just put the salt as necessary into warm water, and make optimal results add honey into the combination.

GROW with this solution when breaking the fast or during sahur, to overcome the concavity or dry throat and even swelling.

2. Increase Consumption of Vitamin C

Vitamin C obtained from certain foods and drinks can kill germs that trigger throat inflammation, and increase endurance during fasting.

Consumption of oranges, guava, red seeds, kiwis, strawberries, wines and so on when breaking the fast is the right option to meet the needs of Vit C during fasting.

3. Drink enough water

Despite fasting, drinking 8 glasses of water per day is an obligation.

Drink one glass every one or 2 hours until dawn so that it is always hydrated throughout the next day, which also helps the mouth so that it is not so dry when fasting.

Consumption of sufficient water will protect the water content needed in the mouth and throat.

4. Voting Sugar-Free Rubber Candy

Doctor Nasser Al Malik, director of the Virginia Dental Clinic in Dubai and chair of the UAE International Dental Conference as well as the Arab Gigi Exhibition (AEEDC), advised his patients to chew sugar-free rubber candy to protect oral hygiene after eating and drinking throughout fasting.

This is a step to always protect the hygiene of the teeth and mouth, so that the throat is always maintained by its health.

5. Consume Sup and Reduce Fried Food

Although fried foods seem tempting as takjil, it is better if you reduce consuming oil when fasting.

In contrast, increasing the consumption of warm soupy dishes to protect the level of throat water.

Whenever possible, consume a fat meal filled with Javanese acid.

According to research, the content of Javanese acid can kill germs in the body and fight the ongoing infection.

6. Rest With Enough

Steps to tackle a dry throat during fasting are not to forget to rest enough at night, or take a nap for approximately 30 minutes.

By resting, it can help the body in fighting disease or the virus that triggers the throat or throat that is infected.

In addition, you also need to know the cause of 'Slit Slit because of Radang' so you can find out how to treat him.

So after knowing how to deal with a dry throat during fasting, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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