JAKARTA - Artist Angelina Sondakh said her only son and her late husband Adjie Massaid, Keanu Massaid, had several offers to shoot. But seeing her 15-year-old son, Angelina chose to refuse and apologize to the person who made the offer. "Yes, I finally apologized to everyone," said Angelina Sondakh in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta, Sunday, March 24. Not without reason. Angie, her nickname, wanted her son to focus on himself first. Keanu still has a lot to learn, such as self-discipline to respect time. "Because I want Keanu to focus on himself first, to know discipline, to know to respect others, to respect time," he explained. Because as a person who already has experience in the entertainment world, Angie doesn't want her child to forget himself or forget to respect others. "My concern is that if he is famous, he forgets himself, he doesn't remember anymore that actually our essence as human beings is to respect others," he said. As Amanda's mother, she admitted that she still has a lot of learning that she has to give to Keanu so that when his son is ready he will not falter.
"When fame came, he didn't shake," he concluded.

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