YOGYAKARTA - Falling hours of sleep during fasting are often experienced by many people. Changes in patterns and activity hours make a person have to adjust different sleep hours from usual days. So how long is the ideal sleep duration during the fasting month?

During the month of Ramadan, many people feel that they lack sleep hours. They have difficulty regulating sleep hours due to activities at night, such as tarawih and tadarus prayers, and carrying out sahur. Because of this lifestyle change, the sleep hours fall apart.

This messy sleep pattern is certainly very disturbing daily activities. Because you don't get enough sleep, usually during the day you will feel sleepy. This condition can inhibit productivity and be dangerous when driving on the road.

Not only that, the lack of sleep also makes people easily weak and less excited. Especially when fasting a person must refrain from eating and drinking until the Maghrib call to prayer. So that the body remains fit and fit, what is the ideal duration of sleep during the fasting month?

A messy sleep pattern in the fasting month is actually not surprising. This condition is influenced by several things, ranging from changes in activity hours, differences in eating patterns, to hours of body metabolism.

When it comes to ideal sleep hours, adults generally need to sleep for seven to nine hours. But with regard to activities in the fasting month, it is recommended for adults to sleep for a minimum of four hours in a row in a day.

A significant lifestyle change during fasting does make it difficult for many people to get a long sleep. At least one should have at least 4 hours of sleep a day. That is why a person must be smart in regulating sleep patterns so that the need for adequate rest.

In addition, a person who is fasting must also pay attention to the biological hours of his body. The body has a biological system that adapts to a lifestyle, one of which is sleep. So try to have regular sleep and wake up during the fasting month.

Even if the sleep time during the fasting month is shorter, you can still improve sleep quality. Here are some ways you can do to adjust your sleep patterns and get quality rest time:

It is better to give a break between the last meal when opening to bedtime. Avoid eating big late at night or sleeping immediately after eating. This habit greatly affects the quality of sleep in the month of Ramadan.

It is recommended to give about two hours of a big meal to start sleeping. So don't fall asleep as much as possible as you can as soon as you finish eating big. In addition to disturbing the quality of sleep, this habit can also have a negative impact on health.

Power nap can be a solution to overcome the sudden drowsiness. Sleeping power nap is also a form of compensation to pay for the lack of sleep or messy. Power nap can be done with a short sleep of about 25 to 30 minutes.

There are several time recommendations that can be chosen to do power nap, namely after dawn and lunch hours. Workers can take advantage of rest hours for power naps. In order not to sleep too much, you can turn on the alarm or ask friends for help to remind them.

One of the habits that makes sleep time messy during fasting is staying up late. This condition is experienced by many people due to the presence of night activities during fasting and the busy atmosphere. To overcome this, you need to adjust your sleep early.

By advancing bed time, you can get quality rest. If you usually just arrive at 11 p.m. or 12 p.m., then try to get used to getting used to sleeping before 10. After the Tawarih prayer, you can tidy up your room, clean yourself up, and get ready for bed.

Such is the review of the ideal duration of sleep during the fasting month and how to get quality rest. Although it is still difficult to arrange sleep, at least try to sleep for at least 4 hours a day. In addition, apply several ways above to overcome messy sleep. Also read the impact of lack of sleep during fasting.

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