Polda Metro Jaya has again revealed the latest facts regarding the death of the son of artist Tamara Tyasmara, Dante through a polygraph test or a lie test against Yudha Arfandi alias YA, the perpetrator of the murder.

During the examination, YA was declared to have lied to 2 things. The first is related to the CCTV browsing of the swimming pool or the crime scene of Dante's death, where previously YA denied doing that before killing Dante.

"The results have come out, there are two lies obtained based on the results of the examination by polygraph experts. First, about the CCTV browsing of the swimming pool," said Ade Ary, Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, March 18.

"The results of the examination stated that the answers to statements made by polygraph experts showed that the subject examined or the suspect was lying or deception injured," he continued.

And the second lie is allegedly related to the violence committed by YA against Tamara, where previously YA had also denied committing violence against her lover.

"The second thing found lying against the statement related to physical violence against Tamara's sister. From the statement made by the expert, it shows that the suspect lied," he explained.

Seeing this, Tamara Tyasmara did not comment much on her social media. However, in the gossip Instagram account @lambe_turah, there were many netizens who asked Tamara Tyasmara to be questioned for a lie test.

"The victim's mother should also be tested for lies, sir. Yes, just once, you can open people's minds so they don't have any more bad thoughts about their mother, if the test results state that her mother honestly loves her child, has never done physical violence to her child, and really feels lost," wrote one netizen.

"Don't give me mercy, just try the test of his mother who recently finished karaoke," added another netizen.

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