8 Reasons Why Eating Sahur With Dates Is Good For Health
Illustration of the reasons why eating suhoor with dates is good for health (Freepic/wirestock)

YOGYAKARTA Many date products with various shapes and colors. But in principle, as long as it is consumed with the right portion, the fruit identical to the Ramadan menu is good for health. Especially if you get used to eating suhoor with dates, the benefits start from strengthening the nervous system to improving heart and eye health. In full, here are the reasons why it is good for sahur with dates.

Dates are fruit that is rich in soluble fiber, especially ektin. This type of fiber that absorbs water increases the fluidity of the contents of the stomach so that it extends the time in digesting it and makes you full longer. Launching Daily Sabah, Monday, March 18, according to nutrition and diet specialist from Ac waybadem Atakent Hospital, Demet Cerit, excessive consumption of sweet foods causes weight gain and blood sugar imbalance.

For that, it only takes two or three pieces of consumption after suhoor, that's enough. But be careful in choosing dates. Choose someone who lacks sugar and is better without artificial sweeteners.

Research shows the effect of dates providing stimulation in the immune system. Dates are associated with beta-glucan content, which is a complex type of carbo. Dates also contain phenolic compounds and kerotenoids that are cancer-fighting and play a role in supporting the immune system.

When holding back hunger all day, you open up and encourage more carbs to eat. Carbo foods include sweet foods, such as cakes, biscuits, sweet drinks, and others. But when breaking the word with dates, the stomach will feel calmer. The desire to eat sweet or sugar shipping can also be prevented by eating two or three dates when breaking the fast.

Dates are rich in fiber and play a role in a healthy diet. In order to have good digestion, nutritionists recommend at least 20-30 grams of healthy consumption every day. When fasting, it is better to take advantage of the fiber content in the dates so they don't experience constipation.

Dates are known as a good source of potassium. Potassium is an important mineral that is responsible for maintaining liquid and electrolyte balance in the body. Potassium is associated with nerve conduction, regulating pulses and blood pressure. Research reveals that potassium-rich diet helps lower blood pressure, maintain heart health, and reduce the risk of stroke.

Dates contain compounds that help stop the development of age-related eye disease. Research shows that dates are a high source of zeaxanthin and lutein. Both include an antioxidant caroteneoid. Therefore, this compound is also useful in preventing macula cataracts and degeneracies.

Dates contain vitamins B1, B2, and Niasin or B3. By consuming dates in the right portion, it helps us meet the daily needs of vitamin B. It should be understood, vitamin B is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, protein, and fat. This means that this metabolism works to produce energy provided with nutrients after consumption of dates. In addition, vitamin B also plays a role in the health of the nervous function.

The key to bone health is the adequacy of calcium minerals. Cerit says calcium absorption is as important as its intake.

Calcium and phosphorus are two minerals that work together to protect bone health and its absorption increases when consumed simultaneously. Consumption of dates, which contain minerals such as calcium, magnesium and zinc and phosphorus, helps us improve bone health and prevent conditions such as osteoporosis," Cerit explained.

The eight points above are the reasons why eating suhoor with dates is good for health. What's your meal today? As well as two or three dates to absorb the health benefits. But it's important to be selective in choosing products that are not sweetened or low in sugar.

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